Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-288304

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Inquiry #1: The CA High Design Manual Section 850-34 dated December 30th, 2015 warns against specifying plastic pipe in areas with a potential for fire. This project lists Plastic Pipe (items 69 and 70) in the Bid Schedule. Will Caltrans still allow for plastic pipe to be used on this project?
Inquiry submitted 10/16/2020

Response #1:Verified that the location where the plastic pipe is proposed is not in an area that is not potential for fire hazard. Item no 69 and 70 for 18? and 24?plastic pipe will be used according to contract plan.
Response posted 10/19/2020

Inquiry #2: In reference to Bid Items 15, 16, 17 & 18, please provide the corresponding SWPPP drawings.
Inquiry submitted 10/19/2020

Response #1:Refer to the Standard plan list in special provisions.
Response posted 10/19/2020

Inquiry #3: Q1. It seems the quantity for bid item#58 & 60 are off and the quantity is good only for section#2. Please re-verify the tonnages.

Q2. Please advise where section#4 on X-1 applies.

Q3. Bid item#59 is the asphalt material for Dike?

Inquiry submitted 10/29/2020

Response #1:
Q1: Please refer to addendum No.3 issued on 11/19/2020
Q2: Refer to X-2, Sheet No.4
Q3: Correct
Response posted 10/30/2020

Inquiry #4: Please advise if the grade of asphalt binder for RHMA-G is to be PG 64-16 for this project.
Inquiry submitted 10/29/2020

Response #1:Please refer to addendum No.3 issued on 11/19/2020
Response posted 10/30/2020

Inquiry #5: Hello,
In the Bid Item List, a WPCP is listed for Bid item #14. However, Section 13 of the Special Provisions for the project state the project is Risk Level 2, which should require a SWPPP. Please advise if a SWPPP rather than a WPCP is necessary for the project.
Additionally, for a SWPPP with Risk Level 2 project, please clarify if REAPs, Storm Water Sampling and Analysis Days, and/or Storm Water Annual Reports will be necessary for the project.
Thank you,

Inquiry submitted 10/30/2020

Response #1:A WPCP is required for this project, please refer to addendum No.3 issued on 11/19/2020
Response posted 10/30/2020

Inquiry #6: Can you please clarify if MGS is Wood Post Wood Blocks or Steel Posts Plastic Blocks?
Inquiry submitted 11/04/2020

Response #1:Wood post wood blocks.
Response posted 11/04/2020

Inquiry #7: Should there be an item for Bar reinforced steel , plans show around 79,000 lbs.
Inquiry submitted 11/10/2020

Response #1:It is included in the full compensation for Item # 67 & Item # 68.

Response posted 11/10/2020

Inquiry #8: The solicitation states "The Contractor must have either a Class A license or a combination of Class C licenses which constitutes a majority of the work." Which combination? Can a C-12, Haz holder bid on this as a prime?

Inquiry submitted 11/23/2020

Response #1:A contractor with a C-12 license could not bid as a prime for this contract. Other than an ?A? license, a bidder would need to have a combination of C-12, C-27, C-42 and any one of the following: C-10, C-13, C-50, C-32) to meet the 50% majority of the work requirement.
Response posted 11/23/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.