Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-301104

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Inquiry #1: There is razor wire on many of the sign structure walkways that are to be removed. This wire is attached to the walkways, posts, etc. What are we supposed to do with the razor wire?
Inquiry submitted 03/28/2019

Response #1:1.For razor wires on existing sign, please remove and dispose them. The purpose of razor wires is to prevent people to climb up the walkway to do graffiti on the sign. Now we are no longer have walkway, so the razor wires is no longer needed.
Response posted 03/28/2019

Inquiry #2: Please provide drill logs for the overhead sign structure CIDH piles.
Inquiry submitted 03/28/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 2, issued May 13, 2019.
Response posted 03/28/2019

Inquiry #3: Will there be any items eligible for progress payment even if they are not incorporated into the work.
The specials do not reflect any. I am specifically asking about guardrail, railings.

Inquiry submitted 04/04/2019

Response #1:A material on hand must meet all the criteria listed in the Revised Standard Specifications 9-1.16C in order to be eligible for a progress payment. RSS 9-1.16C does not require to include a list of eligible contract items. All contract items are applicable. Please review the entire Revised Standard Specifications that goes with the 2018 Standard Specs.
Response posted 04/08/2019

Inquiry #4: Are cross sections available for the project? The project plan typical cross sections indicate that the elevation of new pavement in the median at the barrier does not vary between the eastbound and westbound. Can Caltrans please advise if the super elevation of the roadway will not cause an elevation differential between the median pavement center-line.
Inquiry submitted 04/10/2019

Response #1:The cross sections are not available for this project. Based on the As-Builts, the EB and WB pavement including the inside shoulders at an elevated section were constructed in a single plane. The roadway should not have an elevation differential between the median pavement centerline.
Response posted 04/10/2019

Inquiry #5: "Reference Contract Plans:
1. Stage 1, Phase 1, SC-1, Sheet No. 355
2. Stage 1, Phase 2, SC-31, Sheet No. 385
3. Stage 2, Phase 1, SC-72, Sheet No. 426
4. Stage 2, Phase 2, SC-112, Sheet No. 466
5. Stage 3, Phase 1, SC-151, Sheet No. 505
6. Stage 3, Phase 2, SC-192, Sheet No. 546
7. Stage 4, SC-230, Sheet No. 584

Each of the referenced plan sheets includes the following note:

It is not reasonably constructable to pin or attach K-rail to existing roadway and bridge deck surfaces for short duration work activities to occur in 55-hour weekend closures. The requirement of this note also contradicts the standard plans, specifically 2018 T3A note 3 (bridges) and 2018 T3B note 3 (roadway), where the K-rail will be offset more than a 2 foot distance from inside face of k-rail to the excavation.

Please revise or eliminate this note to clearly exclude pinning or attaching of K-rail to be placed for 55 hour closures and please clarify the requirement for pinning or attaching of K-rail to only locations where excavations will be within 2 feet of the inside face of the k-rail. If K-rail should be pinned or attached to the roadway at locations where K-rail will be a temporary barrier between eastbound and westbound traffic without shoulders please revise the note to clearly communicate that requirement."

Inquiry submitted 04/15/2019

Response #1:As mentioned on the Standard plans page T3B Note 3, where Type K Temporary Railing is placed 3? to 24? from the edge of an excavation on highways, use two capped stakes per panel along the traffic side. If the Type K Temporary Railing is more than 24? from the edge of an excavation, use of stakes are not mandatory.
Response posted 04/15/2019

Inquiry #6: "Reference Contract Plans:
1. Stage 1, Phase 1, SC-1, Sheet No. 355
2. Stage 1, Phase 2, SC-31, Sheet No. 385
3. Stage 2, Phase 1, SC-72, Sheet No. 426
4. Stage 2, Phase 2, SC-112, Sheet No. 466
5. Stage 3, Phase 1, SC-151, Sheet No. 505
6. Stage 3, Phase 2, SC-192, Sheet No. 546
7. Stage 4, SC-230, Sheet No. 584

Each of the referenced plan sheets includes the following note:

It is not reasonably constructable to pin or attach K-rail to existing roadway and bridge deck surfaces for short duration work activities to occur in 55-hour weekend closures. The requirement of this note also contradicts the standard plans, specifically 2018 T3A note 3 (bridges) and 2018 T3B note 3 (roadway), where the K-rail will be offset more than a 2 foot distance from inside face of k-rail to the excavation.

Please revise or eliminate this note to clearly exclude pinning or attaching of K-rail to be placed for 55 hour closures and please clarify the requirement for pinning or attaching of K-rail to only locations where excavations will be within 2 feet of the inside face of the k-rail. If K-rail should be pinned or attached to the roadway at locations where K-rail will be a temporary barrier between eastbound and westbound traffic without shoulders please revise the note to clearly communicate that requirement."

Inquiry submitted 04/15/2019

Response #1:As mentioned on the Standard plans page T3B Note 3, where Type K Temporary Railing is placed 3? to 24? from the edge of an excavation on highways, use two capped stakes per panel along the traffic side. If the Type K Temporary Railing is more than 24? from the edge of an excavation, use of stakes are not mandatory.
Response posted 04/15/2019

Inquiry #7: Can you please verify the quantities for bid items 153, 154, 155, and 156? What is shown on the plan sheets does not add up to the current bid quantities or the Summary of Quantities sheets.

Inquiry submitted 04/15/2019

Response #1:The removal of concrete curbs, sidewalk and driveway quantities are calculated from plan sheets C-2, C-22, C-32, C-44 to C-45, C-50 to C-65 and C-73.
Response posted 04/15/2019

Inquiry #8: "Reference: Structures Plans, Route 60 Approach Slabs & Bridge Rail Upgrade, Sheet 12 of 17 (1003 of 1008). The “SEAT TYPE APPROACH SLAB CONSTRUCTION” detail on the reference plan sheet indicates the Type R structure approach slabs to be constructed will require removal of a portion of existing backwalls, or, be placed over existing backwalls, or, be placed over an existing paving notch within an existing diaphragm abutment. There are 28 Type R approach Slab locations but the plans do not show details of each backwall, paving notch, or diaphragm configuration for each location.

Please provide details to clearly show the backwall, paving notch, or diaphragm abutment for each Type R Structure Approach Slab location. Or provide the as-built plans for each of the structure approach slabs and bridges. "

Inquiry submitted 04/15/2019

Response #1:"SEAT TYPE APPROACH SLAB CONSTRUCTION" shows the approach slabs construction for sheets 1/17, 2/17, 3/17 which are seat type abutments. The sketch shows the limit of the back wall removal.

The rest of Abutments are diaphragm of which the approach slabs are seated on existing paving notch as shown the sketch "DIAPHRAGMM AMBUTMENT" on the same sheet.

Response posted 04/15/2019

Inquiry #9: Bid item 104 - 560218 Furnish Sign Structure (Truss) - Please review if walkways are required on these sign structures are not? Walkways are not shown but the standards still call for them unless noted otherwise however a Caltrans directive also was issued stating if class XI retroreflective sheeting is being used (which it is) that walkways are not required but are still at the decision of each project.
Inquiry submitted 04/19/2019

Response #1:Walkway is not required since we are installing Type XI Sheeting.
Response posted 04/19/2019

Inquiry #10: Page 144 of the Specs states that at the Location 60/605 Separation Br. 53-1535 there is the work description "Remove Type 50A concrete barrier." However, page 998 of the plans shows no Bridge Removal item at this location. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 04/22/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 2, issued May 13, 2019.
Response posted 04/22/2019

Inquiry #11: Please clarify where the gutter that surrounds each Austin Vault is quantified and paid for. Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 04/23/2019

Response #1:Concrete Gutter around AVSF is quantified and paid as Minor Concrete(Gutter) Item.
Response posted 04/29/2019

Inquiry #12: Please clarify where the gutter that surrounds each of the three Austin Vaults is quantified and paid for.
Inquiry submitted 04/25/2019

Response #1:Concrete Gutter around AVSF is quantified and paid as Minor Concrete(Gutter) Item.
Response posted 04/29/2019

Inquiry #13: Can Caltrans please provide PPF files prior to bidding?
Inquiry submitted 05/01/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 2, issued May 13, 2019.
Response posted 05/01/2019

Inquiry #14: The Caltrans State Pavement Engineer has issued an NSSP to revise pavement smoothness requirements for JPCP and existing concrete. IRI requirements for JPCP have been revised from Target 60 to Target 75, and grind existing concrete pavement has been revised from IRI 60 to “percent improvement”. Please consider incorporating this NSSP to revise Section 40-1.01D(8)(C).
Inquiry submitted 05/02/2019

Response #1:Please Bid using our current Specifications.
Response posted 05/02/2019

Inquiry #15: While performing take offs, the quantity sheet on Q-7 for the ADA ramp items does not match what is shown on the Construction Details (specifically C-50). Please review quantities on the ADA ramp quantity sheet.
Inquiry submitted 05/02/2019

Response #1:Proposed Type A2 Curbs are paid under Minor Conc (Curb & Gutter).
Proposed Type A1 Curbs are paid under Minor Conc (Curb).
Proposed Curb in back of sidewalk/curb ramp is paid under Minor Conc (Ret Curb).

Refer to Addendum No. 2 for revised quantities.
Response posted 05/03/2019

Inquiry #16: While Performing take offs, the remove concrete sidewalk and driveway item quantity on the quantity sheet Q-7 is more than the possible cubic yardage that can be taken off on Construction Detail C-50. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 05/02/2019

Response #1:Remove Curb with gutter pan will be paid under Remove Conc (Curb & Gutter).
Remove Curb without gutter pan will be paid under Remove Conc (Curb).
Remove AC Pavement in street and V-Gutter are paid under Remove Conc (Misc)
Remove AC Pavement that is tied immediately to driveway or curb ramp is paid under Remove AC Pavement.

Refer to Addendum No. 2 for revised quantities.
Response posted 05/03/2019

Inquiry #17: There is no specification provided for 5/8" drip irrigation tubing. Please provide for bidding.
Inquiry submitted 05/05/2019

Response #1:Refer to Section "20-2.08B(4) Drip Irrigation Tubing" page 308 of the 2018 Standards Specifications.
Response posted 05/06/2019

Inquiry #18: The proposed structural sections on X-1 call out the Base Bond Breaker to be Geosynthetic but the standard specifications 36-2.02 allow for up to 5 different types of bond breaker. Please clarify if Contractors have the choice of bond breaker per the specifications or if the contract requires geosynthetic.
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2019

Response #1:Bid per plans using the geosynthetic bond breaker.
Response posted 05/07/2019

Inquiry #19: Sheet No. 3 Typical Cross Section X-1 Proposed Structural Section 9 indicates a .17' to .33' REMOVE ENTIRE AC PAVEMENT and place back .17' to .33' HMA Type A. Please specify if this work will require a 1/2' aggregate gradation or a 3/4" gradation. Per the Specifications .17-.19 would be 1/2" and .20'-.33 would require 3/4". Please clarify which mix will be required in this variable section.
Inquiry submitted 05/08/2019

Response #1:Please use the 1/2 inch aggregate gradation.
Response posted 05/08/2019

Inquiry #20: Reference Plan Sheet X-2 (Sheet 4 of 1008), Detail A, “Longitudinal Construction Joint”.
Tying longitudinal Joints where transverse joints will be misaligned joints is problematic. This is why Standard Plan P3A tells us to isolate but not tie.
Here are some of the issues which will arise:
• Tranverse joints from opposite sides of the longitudinal joints will not be aligned. This will likely result in the transfer of stress at
mis-aligned intersections of transverse joints.
• The existing joints are skewed 2’ in 12’. Maintaining the required 1’3” minimum distance from existing joints will have to be
reconsidered because the skew will bring the drilled end of the tie bar closer (or further) to the joint than 1’3”.
• The existing pavement in lanes 2&3 is not in great shape. Drilling a 1” hole into it will weaken the existing pavement, especially
within a few feet of the skewed joints.
• When existing pavement (which as noted is not in great shape) is damaged by the drilling, whose problem will it be and how will
it be repaired? It will be very difficult to determine ahead of time where the weak spots in the existing pavement are. In many
cases we won’t know until the drill finds them.
• The existing pavement has many irregularly spaced joints and volunteer cracks. There is no standard plan to tell us what to do in
proximity to these, as far as minimum or maximum spacing.
• Given that there are no standard plans to deal with the above scenarios, decisions will have to be made constantly about where
to drill or not, resulting in delay and difficult decisions. This will be bad where JPCP adjoins existing skewed pavement, and
where JPCP-RSC adjoins existing there will be no time to consider the best course of action and problematic pavement will

Please consider eliminating this detail.

Inquiry submitted 05/10/2019

Response #1:Please Bid per Contract Plans.
Response posted 05/13/2019

Inquiry #21: 1. Where could you find a link to the PDFs showing the plan sheet changes called out in Addendum #2?
Inquiry submitted 05/13/2019

Response #1:The link is at the very bottom of the downloadable files.
Response posted 05/13/2019

Inquiry #22: 1. Detail A on Sheet X-2, is called out as a Longitudinal Construction Joint, but in the detail itself, it is called a Longitudinal Isolation Joint. Per Caltrans Standard Plans and Specs, Longitudinal Construction Joints do not receive Joint Seal, however Isolation Joints do. Please clarify what this Joint is to be.

2. After completing a few take offs, there seems to be a substantial difference in Joint Seal quantities for item #86, specifically in the quantities called out for the connectors on sheet Q-1. Please review quantities for Item #86.

Inquiry submitted 05/13/2019

Response #1:1. Detail A on Sheet X-2 can be called as a Longitudinal Isolation Joint with Tie Bars.
2. The connectors have more individual slab replacement (RSC) than the mainline.

Response posted 05/14/2019

Inquiry #23: Reference Section 2-1.10 Subcontractor List – This section states the information that is required to be submitted for each subcontractor listed. For the portion of work the subcontractor will perform, this section states to show the portion of work by:

“4.1 Bid items numbers for the subcontracted work
4.2 Percentage of the subcontracted work for each bid item listed
4.3 Description of the subcontracted work if the percentage of the bid item listed is less than 100 percent.”

However, on recent bid 11-2888U4, the low bidder listed the following for items subcontracted less than 100 percent: bid item numbers, percentage of bid item numbers, and bid item numbers as the description of work to be performed. The second bidder protested based on Section 2-1.10 which states that Contractors are required to list the “description of the subcontracted work if the percentage of the bid item listed is less than 100 percent.” Caltrans agreed with the low bidder’s position that “it is not required to submit any information other than the percentage and the bid item.” Additionally, Caltrans accepted the low bidder’s listing of bid item numbers as the description of work to be performed. Please confirm bid item numbers can be listed in lieu of description of work for partially subcontracted bid items.

Inquiry submitted 05/13/2019

Response #1:Please Bid per Specifications.
Response posted 05/14/2019

Inquiry #24: Per addendum # 2. "Included in the informational handout, Overhead sign foundation report to bidders". The informational handout has not been updated and does not include that report. Does Caltrans intend to provide that information?
Inquiry submitted 05/14/2019

Response #1:The pdf file for changes in the “Overhead sign foundation report to bidders” is shown at very bottom of the project at below link:

Response posted 05/14/2019

Inquiry #25: 1. Is the Isolation Joint only to be where new PCC meets Existing? Or is the Isolation joint to be where the Tie bars are shown in the cross section sheets? Please advise because the difference in quantity if it is just where the New meets existing is substantially less then Caltrans Take-off and the quantity if it is based on where all the tie bars are shown on the cross sections, the quantity is substantially more the Caltrans Take-off.
Inquiry submitted 05/14/2019

Response #1:The Isolation Joints are placed at the following locations: between new & old PCC, the median center, bridge approach/departure, individual slab replacement, existing inlet, and gore area.
Response posted 05/14/2019

Inquiry #26: 1. Will the concrete areas require joint seal after the grinding has taken place? If so, are these areas included in Bid Item #86 quantity?

2. Is the Joint Seal quantity for bid item #86 just for the individual Slab replacements?

Inquiry submitted 05/15/2019

Response #1:1. Placing joint seals for the existing pavement after grinding, will be treated on AS-needed basis.
If after grinding, some of the “existing“ joint seals were damaged, it will be replaced. If not damaged, they will stay in place.

2) YES, The Joint Seal quantity for bid item #86 is just for the individual Slab replacements.
Response posted 05/15/2019

Inquiry #27: 1. What type of Joints are to be sealed on the Individual Slab Replacements? Per Caltrans Standard Plans and Specs, Construction Joints do not receive joint seal. Please advise.

2. What width are the Joints to be saw widened to in the Individual Slab Replacements? Please keep in mind that these Joints are to be sealed with compression seal, so the joints have to be the correct width to allow the correct seal to be installed, any variance in widths will lead to the seal failing, or a different seal will need to be installed. Please advise.

Inquiry submitted 05/15/2019

Response #1:1.For the Individual Slab Replacement, use the Joint Seal (Preformed Compression) in the tranverse joint.
2.The width of the new Joint Seal and existing Joint Seal in the adjacent lane should be matched. See 2018 Standard Plan P20 for more additional information.

Response posted 05/15/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.