Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-302504

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Inquiry #1: Bid Item #80: 24" Alternative Pipe Downdrain. What is the allowable pipe?

Inquiry submitted 12/09/2019

Response #1:Use 24" Bituminous coated CMP pipe downdrain (0.064" Thick)
Response posted 12/09/2019

Inquiry #2: Where does the Type A Dike as shown on the MVP detail get paid for?
Inquiry submitted 12/12/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/12/2019

Inquiry #3: Are there details and dimensions for Drainage System 5, Unit C (Concrete Headwall and Wingwall) and Drainage System 9, Unit C (Concrete Headwall)?
Inquiry submitted 12/12/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/12/2019

Inquiry #4: Reference removal areas designated as HMA pavement structure sections 10 and 11 shown on Sheet No. L-7, L-8, L-20, L-21, L-22, L-29, L-31, L-32, L-33 & L-34  Please clarify what Bid item these required removals are paid under.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:HMA pavement removal is not a separated pay item. It is included in the remove pipe bid item.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #5: Please clarify what pay item the removal of the temporary HMA pavement structure section 13 is paid under. This removal work is per the Stage Construction and Traffic Handling Plan Stage 4, Sheets No’s SC-128 through SC-156.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Removal quantities for temporary pavement structure section No. 13 shown on Stage 4 SC sheets will be added to sheet SCQ-4 (page 435) under Roadway Excavation column.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #6: Please clarify if the “Remove AC DIKE” shown on the MVP Construction Details On Sheet No. C-111, C-112, C-115, C-117, C-118, C-123, & C-124 is to be paid under Bid Item #56 Remove Asphalt Concrete Dike. If so, verify Bid Item #56 quantity.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Removal quantities for AC Dike shown on the MVP Construction Detail sheets is paid under Roadway Excavation, sheet Q-8, page 592.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #7: The Summary of Quantities sheets include a quantity for Detectable Warning Surface (Bid Item #95). The quantity from locations shown on Sheet No. C-6 & C-41 have a difference of 10% compared to summary of quantities.  Please correct the quantity.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #8: Bid item #146, Concrete Barrier (Type 60C Modified) is at one location and shown on sheet C-106. The takeoff quantity does not match and is a 24% difference.  Please correct this quantity.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #9: Please clarify what pay item the “Place Conc CURB & GUTTER (2”)” shown on the various MGS Construction Detail sheets No. C-73 to C-76, C-78 to C-80, C-82, C-83, C-87, & L-3 is paid.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Place Concrete Curb & Gutter (2") shown on various MGS Detail sheets is paid under the bid item Minor Concrete (Miscellaneous Construction).
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #10: Please clarify what curb and gutter detail is to be installed at the various curb ramp locations Shown on Sheets C-1 through C-42.  (T/C, FL, and Lip are given only thing missing is whether it’s “A” or “B” face batter)

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Curbs shown on Curb Ramp Detail sheets will be type A2-6 as shown on Standard Plan 2018, page 148.

Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #11: Please provide detail for “Typical Pavement Structure Section 20” shown on Curb Ramp Construction Details Sheet No.s C-3 to C-6, C-15 to C-17, C-24, C-25, C-32, C-33, C-35, & C-39.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #12: Regarding bid item # 68 – Minor Concrete: Please clarify what is to be paid for under this item. Referencing sheets DQ-1 to DQ-7, show there is 0.6 CY of concrete for GMP Inlets under the Minor Concrete column for every inlets. GMP inlets labeled to have a concrete apron are shown at DS: 8-d and 15-d, with details shown in detail sheet DD-4 and have 1.0 CY of volume.  There is no concrete apron shown for the other GMP inlets at D.S.: 1-h, 14-h, 7-e, 6-e, 6-g, 16-i, 17-e, and 3-a.  Is it correct in assuming that all GMP inlets have a concrete apron and are to be paid under bid item #69 - Minor Concrete (Minor Structure)? If so, please provide dimensions

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Per Sheet DD-4 DRAINAGE DETAILS PLAN, ONLY 8-a and 15-d has concrete apron, and has to be paid as Minor Concrete (1.0 cy)
Remove paid item Minor Concrete (0.6 cy) for GMP inlets at D.S.: 1-h, 14-h, 7-e, 6-e, 6-g, 16-i, 17-e, and 3-a since it does not have concrete apron per design.

Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #13: Regarding bid item  # 69 - Minor Concrete (Minor Structure): Please clarify what is to be paid for under this item. Referencing Caltrans Standard Plan D75A, is the 4’ dia. base for GMP inlets to be paid under this item?

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Per Standard Plan D75A, it should be 4' diameter base not 4" and will be paid under Minor Concrete (Minor Structure).
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #14: Reference Plan Sheet SC-126 through SC-156, Stage Construction and Traffic Handling Plans, Stage 4.  These referenced sheets all show temporary railing Type-K between the active travel lanes and the work zone on both the northbound and southbound directions.  However there is no quantity for K-rail included in Stage 4 on Sheet No. SCQ-4.  Please revise the Stage Construction Miscellaneous Quantities and the Engineer’s estimated quantity on the Bid Item List to include the 78,440 linear feet of K-rail shown for Stage 4.

Inquiry submitted 12/16/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/16/2019

Inquiry #15: Pavement Section 4 has a 0.70’ Class 3 Base course. A majority of the quantity for pavement section 4 is required to be constructed through nightly lane closures. Due to the need to get compaction tests on the CL 3 base course and the requirement to reopen these lanes every morning the State is treating this pavement section as an individual slab replacement however, they have required even more work as pavement section 2 & 3 for the ISR work does not require a CL 3 base course. Please revises the traffic charts to allow at minimum a 55 hour work closure at all on and off ramp areas such that there may be sufficient time to construct pavement section 4 in the on/off ramp vicinity.
Inquiry submitted 12/18/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/18/2019

Inquiry #16: In stage 2, the temporary paving section 13 has a 0.45’ LCB section capped with a 0.40’ HMA section. The LCB butts to an existing section B of 0.67’JCPC over 0.35’ CTB. Since the LCB for pavement section will join the existing JPCP material, will an expansion joint filler material be required between the LCB and the Existing pavement section B.
Inquiry submitted 12/19/2019

Response #1:Expansion joint filler is not required between LCB and JPCP since this is a flexible pavement against JPCP.

Response posted 12/19/2019

Inquiry #17: "Reference: Contract Special Provisions, Division II, General Construction, Section 12 Temporary Traffic Control, Subsection 12-3.37 Portable Vehicle Speed Feedback Signs. The referenced section provides information to describe portable vehicle speed feedback sign equipment. However, Section 12-3.37D “Payment” indicates “Not Used”. There is no Bid Item included for portable vehicle speed feedback signs. There is no information on the Contract Plans regarding the location(s), quantity or stages required for portable vehicle speed feedback signs.

If portable vehicle speed feedback signs are to be required for this Contract please provide the following information:
• Bid Item number, for which portable vehicle speed feedback sign work will be paid.
• Method of payment, unit of measure, and quantity portable vehicle speed feedback signs required.
• Required Location(s) and duration for portable vehicle speed feedback signs.

If portable vehicle speed feedback signs are not required for this contract please delete Special Provision Section 12-3.37. "

Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/23/2019

Inquiry #18: Reference Specification Section 90-1.01B. Please clarify which structures require Contractor Quality Control for this project.

Inquiry submitted 12/23/2019

Response #1:There is no CIP structural concrete members that are required to comply with section 90-1.01.
Refer to section 90-1.01D(10)(a) of the special provisions.

Response posted 12/23/2019

Inquiry #19: The Project's Special revisions reference the standard plan T4 - Temporary Traffic Screen. Is Temporary Traffic Screen required on the project?
Inquiry submitted 12/24/2019

Response #1:Per Section 12-4.02C(3)(a) (Page 22) of the Contract Special Provisions, the Contractor has the option to use temporary traffic screens if they want to work on the hours designated as "No Work is allowed" on
charts No. G1-G4.
Response posted 12/24/2019

Inquiry #20: On page 595 of the Plans, there is no quantity given within the Roadway Excavation item in association with the placement of the JPCP-RSC scope at L-21 NB Off-Ramp "OLSNBOF1" 58+92.86 to 59+67.50. Please advise as to how to account for this excavation.
Inquiry submitted 12/27/2019

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 12/27/2019

Inquiry #21: No bid item has been provided for the widen and sealing of the contraction / construction joints for the JPCP and JPCP-RSC pavements. Which bid item will this work be paid under?
Inquiry submitted 12/30/2019

Response #1:Contraction and construction joints don't have joint seals. You may refer to P10 for joint details.
Response posted 12/30/2019

Inquiry #22: There has been 21 bidders inquiries and there has been no answers to these inquiries as of today.

Due to the fact that the bid date is in 7 days from now, will Caltrans be postponing the bid to a later date?

Inquiry submitted 01/02/2020

Response #1:All the responses have been posted. The project will Bid as scheduled.
Response posted 01/02/2020

Inquiry #23: There's no pay item for Cable Railing. Please clarify under which item will these item be paid for. Thanks
Inquiry submitted 01/02/2020

Response #1:Cable Railing is not a separate pay item. Full compensation for Cable Railing is included in the contract unit price for their respective AVSFs.
Response posted 01/02/2020

Inquiry #24: Plan Sheet SC-72 identifies two different hatching: Nightly Closure and 55 Hour closure. Stage 3 Phase 2 only shows the off ramps to be performed during a 55 hour. The On Ramps are to be completed during a regular weeknight (8+/- hours) night closure. Please confirm that the hatching on Stage Construction Plans are accurate or please revise Stage Construction plans and include 55 hour closure charts for BOTH on ramps and off ramps.
Inquiry submitted 01/07/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 01/07/2020

Inquiry #25: Is adjacent lane grinding required per section 40-1.03F(2)? If so, please consider adding a bid item to grind existing pavement.

Inquiry submitted 01/09/2020

Response #1:Please refer to Addendum # 3, issued on January 16, 2020.
Response posted 01/09/2020

Inquiry #26: Due to the sheer size of Addendum 3 put out on January 16th (one week from the bid date of January 23rd), will Caltrans consider pushing the bid a week or two in order for both Prime and Sub Contractors to properly take into account the amount of changes of plan pages and bid item list quantity changes. Please advise.
Inquiry submitted 01/22/2020

Response #1:The project will bid as scheduled on January 23, 2020.
Response posted 01/22/2020

Inquiry #27: On the layout sheets 46-52, 53-54, 56-58, 60-67, 69, 71, 73-76, 78-79, 81 and 85-88, there are MGS END Treatment Transition. What is the purpose of the transition if the terminal, MGS and WB are all 31"?
Also, will that footage be paid as MGS?

Inquiry submitted 01/22/2020

Response #1:The purpose of the MGS End Treatment Transition is to provide a transition from a regular WB or End Treatment (where post is placed at the end and middle of the element) to MGS where post can be placed 3' -1.5" from the end of the rail element.
Response posted 01/22/2020

Inquiry #28: As towards the response in #27, can you tell me what Caltrans STD this is going by?
Inquiry submitted 01/22/2020

Response #1:Refer to the 2018 Standard Plans A77L1 and A77M1 (Midwest Guardrail System With Wood Post And Blocks and Midwest Guardrail System-Typical Rail Element) the post is 3'-1.5" from the Slot at the end. Most of the Terminal System has posts placed 6'-3" from the slot. This calls for the Transition Detail from the Terminal System to MGS System.

Response posted 01/22/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.