Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-310404

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Inquiry #1: In the Special Provisions section 12-4.02C(7)(b) the 4th paragraph states that not more than 1 stationary one-way-reversing traffic-control lane closure will be allowed at one time. One way reversing traffic control is utilized for the 138 EB and WB from the Route 5 connectors to the 14/138 split approximately 34 miles in each direction ( 68 lane miles ). Restricting access to the work to only one closure at a maximum length of 1 mile on a project of this size with 99 bid items does not provide adequate access to the work and will make completing the work within the 250 days allowed impossible. Please consider allowing multiple closures to provide the contractor adequate access to the work.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2019

Response #1:Contractor is limited to one stationary one-way-reversing traffic control lane closure at one time as stated in Section 12-4.02C(7). For projects that are over 8 miles in length, Contractor will be allowed to do multiple closures as long as concurrent stationary the closures are 5 miles or more apart per Section 12-4.02C(1). Thus, Contractor is allowed to do other items of work, not involving reversing control, at various locations in a shift.
Response posted 09/18/2019

Inquiry #2: The pave M database is down, please provide the APCS data for this project.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2019

Response #1:To ensure all bidders have the same basis for bidding, the existing pavement profile smoothness data, taken within 6 months of the project RTL, was provided. If you have questions on how to access this information we can assist you.
Response posted 09/18/2019

Inquiry #3: It has been demonstrated on past projects that the use of crackfill on overlay projects is detrimental to pavement smoothness. Crackfill bubbles up when paved over and creates bumps in the pavement during compacting operations. These bumps will show up as ALR's and increase MRI counts in the final pavement smoothness testing. Crackfill will in short cause smoothness failures and result in unwanted and costly corrective grinding. Please consider deleting the crackfill to allow for a smoother and longer lasting pavement on this project.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2019

Response #1:The crack seal detail before overlay activity, is our normal practice and it does protect the new pavement and preserve the remaining existing structure section.
If constructed correctly and not excessively It should not cause any deficiencies or has any negative impact on the pavement smoothness.

Response posted 09/18/2019

Inquiry #4: Pertaining to the permanent thermoplastic striping; The pavement delineation plans call for Details "G" & "H". There are no drawings or pictures of these details in these plans or in the Caltrans Standard Plans. Could you please let bidders know what these details are, and supply a drawing of the striping details (G & H). Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2019

Response #1:Refer to Pages 26 and 27 of the project plans.
Response posted 09/18/2019

Inquiry #5: Please disregard the prior bid inquiry regarding striping details G & H. Found the drawings in the front of the plans (pages 26 & 27). Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2019

Response #1:Refer to Pages 26 and 27 of the project plans.
Response posted 09/18/2019

Inquiry #6: Regarding the response provide to bidder’s inquiry # 3: Most manufactures recommend waiting up to 1 year before placing an overlay on top of crackfill, or at least applying 2 courses of asphalt material over the crackfilled surface to prevent bumps (ALR). Both of which are not an option based on the number of working days provided, thickness of AC in relation to aggregate size, or the restriction around cold plane surfaces. How does Caltrans anticipate perverting ALR without providing proper time for crackfill material to cure before overlaying with asphalt?
Inquiry submitted 09/23/2019

Response #1:Bid per contract documents.
Response posted 09/23/2019

Inquiry #7: Please clarify your response to bidders inquiry #1. Will multiple one way reversing traffic control closure be allowed at the same time? Please keep in mind that approximately 34 miles of the project utilizes one way reversing traffic control.To only allow a single closure within the stretch of 34 lane miles will not provide adequate access to the project.
Inquiry submitted 09/23/2019

Response #1:Contractor is limited to one stationary one-way-reversing traffic control lane closure at one time as stated in Section 12-4.02C(7). For projects that are over 8 miles in length, Contractor will be allowed to do multiple closures as long as concurrent stationary the closures are 5 miles or more apart per Section 12-4.02C(1). Thus, Contractor is allowed to do other items of work, not involving reversing control, at various locations in a shift.
Response posted 09/23/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.