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Viewing inquiries for 07-316904

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Inquiry #1: Sheet EE2-1 (Section A detail) and Sheet EE3-6 (Section B detail) mention cleaning and painting the existing tunnel walls and the new lighting infrastructure (pipe, fixtures & junction boxes). Please clarify the extent of the washing and painting scope required.

Is it the intent of Caltrans to have the entire tunnel cleaned and painted?

Inquiry submitted 12/10/2019

Response #1:The drawing ee2-1 (sheet 130) section A shows wall and ceiling areas for inside of tunnel to be painted, and tile surface not to be painted. General Note C. and D. also detail painting, including color. Related specifications for painting include 99-09900 and 99-16010A (4). Note 4 on ee2-1 also requires painting the conduit to match the wall it is attached too, however this note refers to a section of conduit outside the tunnel where the surface requires a different color paint. Per 87-103B(2)(a): ?paint exposed conduit the same color as the structure? ? so all conduits must be painted. Drawing EE- 3-6 (sheet 138) General Note C. requires rinsing then painting of all conduits, supporting devices, and junction boxes to match the tunnel walls. The GP (sheet 120) requires cleaning and painting of the tunnel surface, item #4. Please comply with all notes for painting of tunnel walls, conduits, supports, and junction boxes on plans and specs.
Response posted 12/10/2019

Inquiry #2: What are the SWPP requirements for the containment of the water from pressure washing the walls down?
Inquiry submitted 12/18/2019

Response #1:Concrete Finishing BMP (NS-14) is to be implemented when performing water pressure washing. Also, refer to Standard Specification ?13-4.03E(11) Concrete Finishing.?

Response posted 12/18/2019

Inquiry #3: Is it possible to push back the bid date due to the holidays?
Inquiry submitted 12/20/2019

Response #1:The project will bid as scheduled. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 12/20/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.