Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 07-3237U4

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Inquiry #1: For the high RAP AC mixes, will rejuvenators be allowed in the AC mix designs to help achieve the desired binder grade?
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/09/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Inquiry #2: The project special provisions require the contractor to sample and deliver loos mix samples to the Engineer for the High RAP Type A asphalt. Where should the contractor assume that the samples will be delivered to?
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/09/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Inquiry #3: Reference Bid Item 70 - Minor Concrete (Rapid Set Concrete). Summary of quantities lists this scope taking place at curb ramp locations 32, 34 and 35. There is no call-out shown on the construction detail plan sheets indicating where this work is to be completed, please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2023

Response #2:This is correct. Only curb ramp #32, 34, 35 will have Rapid set Concrete. Rapid set Concrete will be used in lieu of regular concrete in the ADA curb ramps in order to minimize the disturbance to the open business.
Response posted 01/12/2023

Inquiry #4: Reference Plan Sheet X-1 - Typical Pavement Structural Section 7, consisting of 0.50' HMA-A, 0.50' LCB and 0.85' AB,CL3. Please provide clarification on the limits of Structural Section 7 at the curb ramp locations. For example, plan sheet C-29, Curb Ramp #15 - Section A-A. Section 7 is shown to be adjacent to the saw cut line at 2.00' width, it appears the LCB and CL3 section continue under the gutter portion as well? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2023

Response #2:Yes, the LBC and CL3 section to continue under gutter portion.
Response posted 01/12/2023

Inquiry #5: Reference Bid Item 41 - Lean Concrete Base (RSC) and Typical Cross Section Plan Sheet X-1, Structural Section 7; this calls out 0.50' LCB and not LCB (RSC), please advise which is correct?
Inquiry submitted 01/09/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/10/2023

Response #2:LCB (RSC) is correct.
Response posted 01/12/2023

Inquiry #6: 39-2.13A(3) & 39-2.13B(2) – The specifications states “the performance grade asphalt binder recovered from HMA mixture must meet the binder grading specified for the project.” The table in Section 39-2.13B(2) indicates the recovered binder for all mixes must comply with the project specified PG binder. Based on these requirements, please provide responses to the following questions:

a. Is the recovered binder specification requirement referenced in the table in Section 39-2.13B(2) performed on binder recovered from lab mixed HMA, not plant produced HMA?

b. If yes to 1a, does this binder need to meet all requirements in Section 92 including ductility at 25C and solubility?

c. Recovered binder properties is not a current Caltrans specification requirement. To ensure both agency and contractor risk is appropriate and the specification is achievable, does Caltrans have data supporting data with locally available materials indicating this requirement can be met?

d. Delta Tc at 40 hours is not a current Caltrans specification requirement. To ensure both agency and contractor risk is appropriate and the specification is achievable, does Caltrans have data supporting data with locally available materials indicating this requirement can be met?

e. What happens if the contractor using locally available materials (i.e. virgin binder and RAP) cannot meet the recovered binder property and/or Delta Tc at 40 hours requirements from a contract perspective?

Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:
Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Inquiry #7: 39-2.13A(4)(b) – Please provide sample quantities and required sample container type (i.e. cardboard box, steel bucket, etc.) for loose mix that needs to be delivered to the Engineer.
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #8: 39-2.13A(4)(b) – For IDEAL CT, the table indicates follow ASTM D8225. The sample handling and aging requirements presented in this ASTM standard are different than those used by Caltrans on previous projects with IDEAL CT testing requirements. Based on ASTM D8225, please confirm the following:

a. Plant Produced HMA
i. There is data that indicates the importance of testing sampled materials in a
timely manner and the impact on stiffness properties if this is not done. How
long after samples are taken do they need to be tested?
ii. ASTM D8225 Section 8.2.2, Note 2 indicates plant prepared specimens may
be compacted after reheating the mix to its compaction temperature. Is this
what should be followed?
b. Lab Produced HMA
i. ASTM D8225 Section 8.2.2, Note 2 indicates for laboratory-mixed and
laboratory- compacted (LMLC) mixes, specimens should be conditioned
properly before compaction and recommends conditioning loose mix for 4
hours according to AASHTO R30 for mixture mechanical property testing. R30
has recently changed and does not align with what is shown in ASTM D8225. For
this project, should lab produced HMA be aged following ASTM D8225?

Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Response #2:
a. Please bid per contract documents.
b. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #9: Based on the table in Section 39-2.13B(2), it is assumed for High RAP mixes (30% and 40% RAP) the contractor can select optimum asphalt content at whatever air void content they choose as part of meeting IDEAL CT requirements. Then during production as outlined in Section 39-2.13A(4)(c), it is assumed they need to produce the HMA within plus or minus 1.5% of their selected air void content from design JMF content. Are these assumptions correct?
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #10: Based on section 39-2.13B(2), it is assumed that the HWT and TSR test are performed on plant produced material and that recovered asphalt from HMA, delta Tc, Ideal CT, I-Fit, Bending Beam Fatigue, Repeated Load Triaxial tests should be performed on lab produced material? Is this assumption correct?
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #11: As outlined in 39-2.13B(2), if recovered asphalt from HMA, delta Tc, Ideal CT, I-Fit, Bending Beam Fatigue, Repeated Load Triaxial tests are performed on lab produced material, please provide required sample quantities and required sample container type (i.e. cardboard box, steel bucket, etc.) for loose mix that needs to be delivered to the Engineer.
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #12: 39-2.13B(2) indicates the contractor can reduce the upper and lower PG grade by 12C if desired. This could result in the contractor using grades that are not currently specified in Section 92 (i.e. PG 52-22 and PG 52-16). How will Caltrans accept these grades if they end up being used - follow AASHTO M320?
Inquiry submitted 01/13/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/13/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 01/18/2023

Inquiry #13: Bid item 72 calls for Type E HMA dike. However within the plan layout sheets the dike called out is Type F and Type C. What type(s) will be placed?
Inquiry submitted 01/20/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/20/2023

Response #2:Dike is Type E as called out in L-1.
Response posted 01/23/2023

Inquiry #14: What is the distance allowed between flaggers for the AC milling and asphalt overlay?
How many hours is allowed from the time the roadway is AC milled and the HMA overlay is placed?

Inquiry submitted 01/20/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 01/20/2023

Response #2:Please bid per plans and spec section 12.
Response posted 01/23/2023



Inquiry submitted 02/06/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 02/07/2023

Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 02/08/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.