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Viewing inquiries for 08-1F3724

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Inquiry #1: Please look into sheet 51, EQ-1 "Electrical Systems Quantities". It appears to be a cut and paste from contract 08-1F3624, but just with a different contract number on it. The quantities per E sheets on the table are exact matches to another contract and as stands is misleading to bidders with incorrect quantities/information. In order to provide a quote on this project we must know at a minimum the correct amount of existing fixtures we are to remove and dispose of. The amount of structures we have to deal with in regards to disconnecting and plugging after the conduits are removed can be ascertained from the SQ drawings. but not the existing fixture count, that must be provided by the department. Thank you.
Inquiry submitted 08/05/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 08/06/2019

Response #2:This matter will be addressed under an addendum.
Response posted 08/22/2019

Response #3:Please refer to Addendum #2
Response posted 08/26/2019

Inquiry #2: There are a number of apparent errors of spelling or capitalization in the guide sign messages, as follows (plan sheet numbers in parentheses):

Catheral City (15)
Aqua Caliente Indian Reservation (16)
Thousand Palm (22)
Bod Hope Dr (23)
Joshua Tree Natinal Park (35)
Ford Dry lake Rd (40)
Messa Drive (41-42)
Chiriaco Sumnit (57)
Elsinor (93)
Murrieta Hot Spring Rd (105, 134)
NEXT 2 EXIT (108)

How does Caltrans propose to address this issue? Many thanks.

Inquiry submitted 08/07/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 08/07/2019

Response #2:This matter will be addressed under an addendum.
Response posted 08/22/2019

Response #3:Please refer to Addendum #2.
Response posted 08/26/2019

Inquiry #3: Please review sheets E-1 Through E-7, add up the quantities of each type of structure. Please revise sheet EQ-1 to reflect the correct amount of structures that have electrical being removed. Also, sheet EQ-1 reflects 12 electrical plan sheet quantities when in fact there are only 7. Please revise prior to bid day, Thanks.
Inquiry submitted 08/19/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 08/19/2019

Response #2:This matter will be addressed under an addendum.
Response posted 08/22/2019

Response #3:Please refer to Addendum #2.
Response posted 08/26/2019

Inquiry #4: please confirm drawing EQ-1 is incorrect for the project this drawing calls out 12 E sheets but the drawing package only contains 7 E sheets. is drawing EQ-1 incorrect or are we missing E sheets
Inquiry submitted 08/21/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 08/22/2019

Response #2:Q: please confirm drawing EQ-1 is incorrect for the project this drawing calls out 12 E sheets but the drawing package only contains 7 E sheets. Is drawing EQ-1 incorrect or
A: We confirm that drawing EQ-1 is incorrect

Q: are we missing E sheets
A: There are 7 E Sheets and 1 EQ-1 sheet. Please refer to Addendum #2 for updated plans with corrected sheets.

Response posted 08/26/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.