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Viewing inquiries for 08-1G2104

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Inquiry #1: I would like to know under what bid item the earthwork and grading for the Maintenance Vehicle pull outs will be paid from?
Thank You

Inquiry submitted 09/03/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/03/2019

Response #2:The bid item for the earthwork and grading for the Maintenance Vehicle pull outs will be paid out of bid item #20 under item code 394095.

Response posted 09/04/2019

Inquiry #2: We require some more information regarding this project as there is not enough information in the plans or specs to confirm what type of MVDS is required.

In the specifications the following is noted a Q-Loop Microwave Vehicle Detection System (QMVDS) with Contact Closure Emulator Cards (CCEC). When you look at the plans there is no information, in terms of where the detection of the MVDS is required. It is unclear if the MVDS is for the Ramp, or Mainline. If it is for the ramp again it is unclear if it is to be in forward facing mode (different product altogether), or sidefire. The plans indicate a qty of 4 QMVDS are required for the TMS Equipment System, and then indicate a qty of 3 CCEC is needed for the Ramp Metering System. The plan locations for the CCEC & QMVDS do not match.

If we assume sidefire, we still do not know how many lanes are needed for the CCEC.

Inquiry submitted 09/04/2019

Response #1:submitted for consideration
Response posted 09/04/2019

Response #2:Response:
Q: In the specifications the following is noted a Q-Loop Microwave Vehicle Detection System (QMVDS) with Contact Closure Emulator Cards (CCEC). When you look at the plans there is no information, in terms of where the detection of the MVDS is required

A: The MVDS is shown on the plans, labeled “Q” and it is to detect vehicles on the Connector lanes only, not mainline

Q: It is unclear if the MVDS is for the Ramp, or Mainline

A: The MVDS is for the Connector lanes only, not the mainline

Q: If it is for the ramp again it is unclear if it is to be in forward facing mode (different product altogether), or sidefire

A: This system is designed for side fire operation since there is no mast arm indicated on the plans for a forward facing MVDS

Q: The plans indicate a qty of 4 QMVDS are required for the TMS Equipment System, and then indicate a qty of 3 CCEC is needed for the Ramp Metering System. The plan locations for the CCEC & QMVDS do not match

A: Please bid per current contract documents

Q: If we assume sidefire, we still do not know how many lanes are needed for the CCEC

A: MVDS is for the Connector lanes only, please bid per current contract documents

Response posted 09/04/2019

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.