Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 09-378704

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(RECESSED): Caltrans only has a specification & detail for recessing crosswalks & limit lines only and does not have a detail or specification for recessing legends & symbols. Are the legends & symbols also being recessed or just the limit lines and crosswalk bars? If the Legends & symbols are also being recessed can Caltrans please provide a detail on how to perform that work? As there is no viable equipment on the market to recess word legends or arrow symbols or bike symbols. Also if the word legends or arrow symbols or bike symbols are not being recessed will Caltrans please consider adding an additional line item for NON-RECESSED EWNV MARKINGS?

Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and is currently being reviewed.
Response posted 11/15/2022

Response #2:An addendum will be issued to address to this inquiry
Response posted 11/16/2022

Inquiry #2: Bid Item 49 - 12" RUMBLE STRIP (ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT): per plan sheet C3, note 2 states "Grind Depth as necessary to result in 5/16" deep rumble strip after placing striping". Currently there is no striping/rumble equipment available in the market place to achieve this exact stateable tolerance. What is the minimum & maximum allowable tolerances that Caltrans will allow for the rumble strips after the stripe has been placed 5/16" +/- ?
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022

Response #1:Section 84-8.03A of the Standard Specifications provides allowable tolerances for rumble strip construction.

Please bid in accordance with contract documents.
Response posted 11/15/2022

Inquiry #3: Typically, when Cal Trans has a PDR job the following specs are included for smoothness:

Section 39-2.01A(4)(i)(iii)(C)
Underneath the Target MRI table
" When HMA is placed over PDR, MRIt = 55

Underneath the pay table for Pay Adjustment for Pavement constructed on Existing Pavement Surfaces:
"When HMA-A is placed over PDR, use pay adjustment per .10 Mile Per lane >/= .30 feet regardless of HMA Thickness"

The following specs are not included within the special provisions for this project. Please confirm that these are the correct specs to use for the pay adjustment purposes on this job.

Inquiry submitted 12/01/2022

Response #1:An addendum will be issued to address this inquiry.
Response posted 12/01/2022

Response #2:This inquiry will be addressed by an addendum.
Response posted 12/02/2022

Inquiry #4: In regards to inquiry #1. There is no method to recess pavement marking words or arrows. Addendum #1 does not address the problem and issues related to inquiry #1. Please make a change so this problem does not get dropped into the Resident Engineers lap.
Inquiry submitted 12/06/2022

Response #1:The means and methods of construction are the responsibility of the contractor. Please bid according to current contract documents
Response posted 12/07/2022

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.