Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 10-0Y2104

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Inquiry #1: Keep getting an error message when trying to download and open these plans. (file damaged and could not be repaired)
Inquiry submitted 04/27/2020

Response #1:Damaged files have been replaced. Plan sheets are available to download.
Response posted 04/27/2020

Inquiry #2: Is it possible to get a CAD file for bidding purposes?
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/06/2020

Response #2:All required electronic files have been provided.
Response posted 05/12/2020

Inquiry #3: Survey Markers were observed in the field. Can a Survey Control Map be made available for the project site with point information (northing, easting, elevation)? We request this for bidding purposes.
Inquiry submitted 05/06/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/06/2020

Response #2:Electronic files per Supplemental Project Information Handout files have been provided sufficiently for bidding purposes.
Response posted 05/14/2020

Inquiry #4: The CA High Design Manual Section 850-34 dated December 30th, 2015 warns against specifying plastic pipe in areas with a potential for fire. This project lists Alternative Pipe Culvert in the Bid Schedule. Will Caltrans still allow for plastic pipe to be used on this project?
Inquiry submitted 05/12/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/12/2020

Response #2:APC table on DQ-1 (sheet 42) of the advertised plans provides the allowable materials for Alternative Pipe Culvert (APC), which does not include any plastic pipe for APC callouts.
However, Drainage System #6 (unit c) is designed and to be bid on with plastic pipe for the culvert material connecting to an existing plastic pipe culvert system.

Response posted 05/19/2020

Inquiry #5: Reviewing the Geotech Reports, reference is made to bore logs conducted in 2009. No logs are provided with the bid documents. Are relevant bore logs available for Ramp K and Ramp J areas? Or, is any Seismic Refraction information available for these areas?
Inquiry submitted 05/26/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 05/26/2020

Response #2:Reference plan sheet 150 of the contract documents. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 05/29/2020

Inquiry #6: What is the thickness of the RSP (20 LB, Class I, Method B) shown on sheet C-3? How is the excavation for this paid?
Inquiry submitted 06/03/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/03/2020

Response #2:For RSP (20 LB, Class I, Method B) material, estimated thickness depth is 0.7’ or 8.4 inches or 0.233 yard, with a designed coverage area of 3,000 square yards, for the volume shown on Q-2 Sheet 70 of the advertised plans. Excavation is included in the contract pay item as per RSP related Standard Specification Section 72-2.04 Payment. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 06/05/2020

Inquiry #7: Bid Item #110 calls for Geosynthetic Fabric (Ditch Lining). What is the specification for the Geosynthetic Fabric?
Inquiry submitted 06/03/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/04/2020

Response #2:Ditch Lining using RSP is covered under Standard Specifications Section 72-5. Geosynthetic Fabric is covered under Standard Specifications Section 96 Geosynthetics. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 06/05/2020

Inquiry #8: Is Caltrans performing the following work since there is no method of payment or pay item? Paragraph 2.3(a) of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1600 Permit dated February 1, 2017 in the Information handout for contract No.10-0Y2104 specifies that a Pre-activity survey for potential rare, listed, or other sensitive species shall be conducted by a qualified biologist within 30 days prior to commencement of Project activities.
Inquiry submitted 06/04/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/04/2020

Response #2:This project will have various Environmental pre-activities surveys, including Biological surveys, and required personnel training done by Caltrans and/or their hired consultant and not a contractor supplied biologist, per the non-inclusion of a contract pay item for Contractor-Supplied Biologist and non-inclusion of a special provision related to Standard Specification Section 14-6.03D Contractor-Supplied Biologist. Please note, the contractor will be responsible for installation of Bird Exclusion Devices per contract pay item 29, item number 039750 and related special provisions under Section 14-6.10 Bird Exclusion Devices as well as attending the various required trainings.
Response posted 06/05/2020

Inquiry #9: Is Caltrans performing the following work since there is no method of payment or pay item? Paragraph 2.5 and 2.6 of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1600 Permit dated February 1, 2017 in the Information handout for contract No.10-0Y2104 Specify measures for Invasive and exotic plants control.
Inquiry submitted 06/04/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/04/2020

Response #2:The pre-survey and invasive, exotic plant species, as referred to in the 1600 Permit in the Supplemental Project Information Handout, will be removed and handled by Caltrans staff and/or their hired consultant as the project disturbs the species. Any additional removal of vegetation is paid under the clearing and grubbing pay item.
Response posted 06/09/2020

Inquiry #10: The traffic handling plans do not provide for temporary krail on EB Rt 108 for the new onramp construction. Will it be required?
Inquiry submitted 06/05/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/05/2020

Response #2:Standard lane and/or shoulder closures are included per Special Provisions Section 12-4.02C(3)(k) and were estimated for constructing the Eastbound On-ramp (Ramp "J") with no traffic handling plan or quantities. The estimate for Pay Item 120100 Traffic Control Systems includes the closures involved for constructing the new on-ramp as needed. Please bid as per contract documents.
Response posted 06/09/2020

Inquiry #11: Are there any traffic restrictions related to the controlled blasting? The special provisions do not address.
Inquiry submitted 06/05/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/05/2020

Response #2:Per Standard Specifications clauses under Section 19-4.04 Controlled Blasting, the blasting safety plan shall include Traffic control details by the contractor. Also, under special provision Section 12-4.02A(3)(c), a contingency plan shall be submitted for blasting activities. Payment for any required traffic control per Section 12, is included in the lump sum Pay Item #120100 Traffic Control System. Please bid per contract document.
Response posted 06/09/2020

Inquiry #12: What is Caltrans position on presplitting? The Geotech report for ramps K & J recommend that the use of presplitting not be implemented but it is not addressed in the special provisions.
Inquiry submitted 06/05/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/05/2020

Response #2:No presplitting is anticipated by the Department as validated by the Supplemental Project Information Handout item "Geotechnical Design Report for Ramps "J" and "K"" and, therefore, there is no pay item for presplitting. Although there is Standard Specifications Section 19-4.02 Presplitting, that section does not apply to the contract documents and work as no presplitting is estimated and no pay item is included in the estimate. Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 06/09/2020

Inquiry #13: Following up to Bidder Inquiries #11 & #12 and Caltrans response to those inquiries...regarding K-rail specifically, OSHA requires 50' minimum clearance between loading area of blast site to non-authorized personnel (in this case traveling public on 108). The requirement states, "K-rails, barriers, traffic control systems or natural terrain shall be used to prevent entry by vehicular traffic into the loading site". Response to inquiries references Section 12 but this section makes no reference to blasting safety & temp traffic control requirements. In addition, due to close proximity of traveling public on 108, by not installing K-rail along shoulder of eastbound traffic, there's no safety measure to prevent interfacing (accidental - vehicle enters work area or material enters roadway) between public and construction operations. For bidding purposes and public safety, suggest Caltrans adds quantity for this stretch (108 along Ramp F work area, approx. 2,000') to items 10,11,12. Please consider and clarify.
Inquiry submitted 06/09/2020

Response #1:Per responses to Bidder Inquiry #10 and Bidder Inquiry #11, related to Section 19-4.04 Controlled Blasting, Section 12-4.02A(3)(c), and Section 12-4.02C(3) Lane Requirement chart as well as provided pay item #120100 Traffic Control System collectively includes requirements of contractor supplied traffic control details and payment of traffic control during blasting. As to your question about barriers per sited criteria, the area of anticipated blasting is not traversable for entry of State Route 108 traffic due to natural terrain of steep embankment or steep cut section slopes. Please bid as per current contract documents.
Response posted 06/10/2020

Inquiry #14: Please provide clarification on handling of standing water in existing basin to be altered, shown on Sheet C-4. Is contractor to dewater basin? If so, discharge point/requirements? Any bypass needs for influent water into basin to be anticipated? If so, seasonal flows/rates?
Inquiry submitted 06/10/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/12/2020

Response #2:Reconstructing the basin is part of the plans, specs and estimate of this contract and attention is directed to Special Provision Division II Section 10-1.03 for time restriction of roadway excavation and embankment work including along eastbound onramp (Ramp "J") which includes the drainage basin area. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 06/13/2020

Inquiry #15: Will Note 6 on Sheet 133 work "Remove existing and replace with new neoprene membrane along the entire width of joint seal assembly" be measured and paid as Item 65 , Joint Seal Assembly (MR=2-1/2')? If not, how is this work paid?
Inquiry submitted 06/12/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 06/13/2020

Response #2:Removal of existing seal materials is only along a portion of the entire width of the bridge at each of the two joints as shown in the plans. The removal portion and new joint seal assembly is along the widening portion of the bridge or an estimated 19.5’ along the joint for each side (BB and EB). The remaining portion of the existing joints seal assembly shall remain in place unless otherwise directed by the Engineer during construction. Per 2018 Standard Specs Section 51-2.02A(3) Construction under Section 51-2.02 Sealed Joints, removal of existing seal materials is included in the work of the related joint seal pay item, #65 (519092) Joint Seal Assembly (MR 2 ½"). In this case it is only a portion of the entire existing joint seals across the two joints. Please bid as per contract documents.
Response posted 06/16/2020

Inquiry #16: How is traffic handled during work over Peaceful Oak Road (demolition, falsework erection and removal, closure pour)? No detours are shown and flagging is not called out in lane closure charts.
Inquiry submitted 06/15/2020

Response #1:Lane Closure during the day on Peaceful Oak Road is included as per page 31 in the Special Provisions Section 12-4.02C(3)(m) Chart No. M1. In addition, the plans provide traffic handling details during construction of the structure work per Traffic Handling Plans and related plans including TH-3 (Sheet 54 of advertised plans). Temporary full closure of Peaceful Oak Road was estimated in the pay item #5 (120100) Traffic Control System for full closure for erection and again full closure for removal of falsework. All other structure related traffic-related work along Peaceful Oak Road is estimated to either be included in Item #5 for standard lane closures or included in various traffic handling items. Please bid as per current contract documents.
Response posted 06/16/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.