Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 11-2N0494

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Inquiry #1: In regards to the Sizes of C48(CA) Funding Signs. On C-2 of the plans in the quantity the size is 96x60. In the Special Provisions page 13 Replace Reserved in section 12-3.11C(3) with 12-3.11C(3)(a). Under which it says Install 10 132x78 inch construction project funding identification signs.
My question is. What size sign do I bid on? If it is going to be the 132x78 that will change Bid Item #12 Retroreflective sheeting (type XI) SQFT from 400 to 715.
Thank you for time

Inquiry submitted 01/30/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/31/2020

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 2, dated March 13, 2020.
Response posted 03/16/2020

Inquiry #2: Following up on Inquiry #1, size of Funding Signs.
Thank you for your time.

Inquiry submitted 02/18/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/18/2020

Response #2:Please refer to Addendum No. 2, dated March 13, 2020.
Response posted 03/16/2020

Inquiry #3: Per Addendum 1, Section 84-6.01C(1), is it the Department's intention to have the traffic stripe tape warranty supplied by the Contractor, as indicated? Historically, this has been a manufacturer-supplied warranty. If so, is the warranty bond also to be supplied now by the Contractor?
Inquiry submitted 03/16/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2020

Response #2:Traffic stripe warranty and Warranty Bond is by the Contractor per Section 84-6 of the Special Provisions.
Response posted 03/16/2020

Inquiry #4: Due to the situations caused by Coronavirus, with mandatory closures in areas of the state, many are unable to bid this project. We are requesting that all state bids be pushed until further notice.
Inquiry submitted 03/16/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/16/2020

Response #2:Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 03/17/2020

Inquiry #5: In regard to inquiry #3 (Manufacturers bond & warranty).
The Contractor is responsible to get the Bond & Warranty from the Manufacturer;
The Manufacturer is responsible for the product, installation & performance for 4 years after the project is accepted.
If you read this entire section, it clearly states that the manufacturer will supply the bond & warranty. Inquiry #3 is confusing and misleading.
All bidders need to be aware of this
Thank you

Inquiry submitted 03/17/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/17/2020

Response #2:Please bid per the current contract documents.
Response posted 03/17/2020

Inquiry #6: Regarding Inquiry #5 & #3 - There is obvious confusion regarding who is to supply the warranty and warranty bond for the traffic stripe tape items. With there being extensive risks and costs involved, we request that the Department clarify Addendum #1. With the deletion of Special Provisions Section 84-10 it seems clear that it is now a Contractor's warranty, instead of a manufacturer's provided warranty.
Inquiry submitted 03/17/2020

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/18/2020

Response #2:Please bid per the current contract documents.

Response posted 03/18/2020

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.