Bidder Inquiries
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Viewing inquiries for 03-1H9904
Submit new inquiry for this projectInquiry #1: The plans indicate (sheet 398 of 426, Note 1.)that "All deck and barrier reinforcement shall be epoxy coated". There are stirrups from the girders going into the deck, but they are not called out as epoxy coated. Is this correct?
Inquiry submitted 08/07/2023
Response #1:(BI#1)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/07/2023
Response #2:(BI#1)-Refer to section 52-2.02A(1) of the Standard Specifications, 2nd paragraph; item 3 states “In a freeze-thaw area, epoxy coat the following: Reinforcement that extends to within 6 inches of the top surface of the bridge deck”.
Response posted 08/08/2023
Inquiry #2: Please provide the bridge as-builts for both Troy and Kingvale under crossings.
Inquiry submitted 08/16/2023
Response #1:(BI#2)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/16/2023
Response #2:(BI#2) Refer to contract special provision Section 2-1.06B.
Response posted 08/22/2023
Inquiry #3: It is understood that Caltrans includes all work codes associated with the bid items on this contract to identify DBE firms certified in the CUCP that could perform work on this project to help establish the 22% DBE goal. When Caltrans calculated the 22% DBE Goal for this project what work codes were identified as contributing to $16.5 million value of potential DBE participation? What methodologies / calculations were employed to take into account the current capacity of those potential DBE’s to handle this much work in this geographic area?
Inquiry submitted 08/16/2023
Response #1:(BI#3)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/16/2023
Response #2:(BI#3)-A determination was made on what work may potentially be subbed out to DBEs. A review of all the bid items on the contract was performed and compared to DBE firms who are certified in the CUCP to perform those work items and indicated an interest to work in the district that this project is in. Nonetheless, bidders are required to select portions of work to be performed by DBEs in order to increase the likelihood that the DBE goals will be achieved. This includes, where appropriate, breaking out contract work items into economically feasible units (for example, smaller tasks or quantities), beyond those listed via these Work Codes, to facilitate DBE participation, even when the prime contractor might otherwise prefer to perform these work items with its own forces.
Please refer to the contract documents, special provisions, and Standard Specifications 2-1.12 for the DBE requirements on this contract. You may find 49 CFR Appendix A to Part 26 I. DBE Regulation on Guidance Concerning Good Faith Effort helpful.
Response posted 08/17/2023
Inquiry #4: Is there a Special Provision available for the polyester concrete inlay operations?
Inquiry submitted 08/16/2023
Response #1:(BI#4)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/22/2023
Response #2:(BI#4)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #5: 1. Plan Sheet SC-15 to SC-16, Stage 1A work on Detour 1A Line from Approx. Station 36+50 to 43+00 Off-Ramp to Kingvale Road is missing, when is the work at this location will be happening, and how? Please clarify.
2. On Plan Sheet DQ-11, the Bar Reinforcing Steel quantity for the Wildlife Crossing is missing from the Drainage Quantities Table and the Grand Total for the Drainage Quantities are also missing. Please clarify.
3. Gutter Reinforcement Detail show on Plan Sheet DD-7, where does this work take place on the project and how is it get pay? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 08/21/2023
Response #1:(BI#5)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/21/2023
Response #2:(BI#5)-1.Please see updated plan sheets, per Addendum #1.
2.Please see updated plan sheets, per Addendum #1.
3.Please see updated plan sheets, per Addendum #1.
Response posted 08/23/2023
Inquiry #6: Lane Closure Chart M1 specifying city street closure hours is stated to be for installation and removal of falswework. Can this also be used for erection of girders?
Inquiry submitted 08/21/2023
Response #1:(BI#6)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/21/2023
Response #2:(BI#6)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #7: Section views of girders on sheets 400 and 420 of 426 show longitudinal rebar section at either side of the bottom flange without any indication of size or length. What size/length is this rebar?
Inquiry submitted 08/22/2023
Response #1:(BI#7)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/22/2023
Response #2:(BI#7)-Refer to details Typical Girder Section, Section A-A, and Welded Wire Reinforcement (WWR) Alternative on sheets 400 and 420 of 426 of the contract plans, the two longitudinal reinforcements in the bottom flange of each detail are optional.
Response posted 08/24/2023
Inquiry #8: The state has provided an XML file titled: A-Alignment_and_Profile.xml. Will the state also provide XML files with alignment and profiles for all Detour Alignments?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#8)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#8)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #9: The Plans provide an alignment (“A” Line), for the Layout Drawings and different alignments (“Detour 1”, “Detour 1A” “Detour 2”) for the Stage Construction and Traffic Handling Drawings. These alignments all have different stationing, and this makes it extremely difficult to align information shown in the layout sheets with the information provided in the Stage Construction and Traffic Handling Sheets. We are unable to determine in which Stage we are to complete work that is shown in the layout drawings. Can the “A” Alignment be added to the Stage Construction and Traffic Handling Drawings or the detour drawings?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#9)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#9)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #10: Typical Cross Section Sheet X-2 shows structure sections #4 and #5 at “A” Sta 134+00 to 139+04 and “A” Sta 140+36 to 147+31. Structural section #4 and #5 are both existing sections. What is the new structural section in these locations?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#10)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#10)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #11: The Cross Sections for “A” Line show proposed section #1 starting at 94+85.61. Layout Plan Sheet L-1 calls out Begin Structure Section and Begin Remove Concrete pavement at “A” 97+05.90. On Summary of Quantity sheet Q-2, the JPCP table shows the starting Station at 95+23.34. What is the correct starting station for structural section number 1.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#11)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#11)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #12: Specification 40-1.03F(2) requires the contractor to grind the adjacent pavement before placing new pavement. Will Caltrans add a bid item and quantity for this grinding activity?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#12)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#12)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #13: The A-Line cross sections provided show a new 12’ lane from station 305+00 to 312+00. However, layout sheets L-16 to L-17 only show the new shoulder being added at this location. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#13)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#13)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #14: On drainage plan sheet D-2, callout 1X-b is showing pipe to be removed that appears to be coming and going nowhere. Please confirm this pipe is under the existing road and needs to be removed.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#14)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#14)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #15: The drainage quantities call out 2X as a system on the job but there is no indication on the drainage plans or profiles where this system is. Please provide the location of the 2X drainage system.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#15)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#15)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #16: Drainage system 15 is showing a DI to be adjusted, however there are no details on how it is to be adjusted. Please provide details on what needs to happen at this DI.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#16)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#16)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #17: Please confirm the quantity of 150 LB RSP for drainage system location 36j is correct.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#17)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#17)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #18: Will the State clarify what stage the Polyester Concrete Inlay between EB stations A 90+00 to A 100+00 and EB A 150+75 to A 160+00 is to be placed in?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#18)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#18)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #19: Does the State pay for Drill and Bond Tie Bar (Bid Item 65) when JPCP in stage 1A is placed adjacent to JPCP placed in stage 1?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#19)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#19)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #20: Drainage system 1Xb isn’t connected to the rest of DS 1X.
a. Please clarify if this piece of DS 1X is really under the lanes.
b. If we are to remove these pieces of pipe, that are in two different lanes, getting removed in two different stages, will the state allow for a temporary HMA patch to be placed here?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#20)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#20)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #21: Will the State please provide profile data for the removal of pipe in DS 19a&b showing how deep the culverts to remove are?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#21)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#21)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #22: We cannot find where bid items 51 and 52 are located on the plans. Please clarify what these items are associated with.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#22)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#22)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #23: Standard Plan P76 – Pavement Edge Treatments, is included in the Special Provisions Standard Plan List. However, the plans do not show an edge treatment. Please confirm is this is required.
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#23)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#23)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #24: For any drainage systems that will require the contractor to remove and replace culverts crossing the highway we have the following questions:
a. Will the State require rapid setting concrete to be used when replacing the concrete for the systems we cannot construct behind K-rail?
b. With that, is the State going to require the contractor to replace an entire panel in these locations or just the trench width?
Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023
Response #1:(BI#24)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/25/2023
Response #2:(BI#24)-a.Please bid per current contract documents.
b.Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #25: Reference bid item 78 structure concrete retaining wall. Please confirm that the bid quantities are based on the 2022 standard plans. A check of the quantities appears to show the 2018 standard plans were used.
Inquiry submitted 08/28/2023
Response #1:(BI#25)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/28/2023
Response #2:(BI#25)-Reference bid item no. 78, Structural Concrete, Retaining Wall, and plan sheets 387 and 407 of 426 for Standard Plans Dated 2022 lists and concrete strength and type limits. Estimated quantity shown for this bid item is based on 2022 Standard Plans.
Response posted 08/29/2023
Response #3:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #26: Reference project plan sheet 391 of 426, Troy Road UC Bridge, Foundation Plan. On the south side of the bridge there is a Caltrans Fiber Optic line (Ct fo) that interferes with abutment 1 and 2 stage 1A construction. Is this line to be relocated?
Inquiry submitted 08/29/2023
Response #1:(BI#26)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 08/29/2023
Response #2:(BI#26)-Refer to Addendum No. 1 dated September 12, 2023. Plan sheet 391 of 426 is replaced. Caltrans fiber optic (Ct fo) does not interfere with Troy Rd. UC abutments 1 and 2 stage 1A construction.
Response posted 09/14/2023
Response #3:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #27: Caltrans on recent projects with JPCP has revised 40-1.01C(4)40-1.01D(5) Mix Design with the implementation of compressive strength and maturity metering to replace the use of Modulus of Rupture beams. Will this method be allowed to be used on this project.
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#27)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#27)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #28: Plan Sheet C-3 shows the proposed structural section under the existing bridge column from Station 299+36 to 302+50.00. Is this drawn correctly? Can additional information be provided for work in this location?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#28)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#28)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #29: What is to happen with the brick building at Troy Road? This building is shown on Layout Sheet L-2 at Station 104+50. The fills are butting right up against the south wall of that structure and there is no information as to whether or not that building is to be removed.
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#29)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#29)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #30: There is no seismic data for the cut slopes on the project, nor a bid item for rock excavation, controlled blasting. Does the state anticipate the need to use controlled blasting to aid in excavation of the cut slopes on the project?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#30)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#30)-No, the State does not anticipate the need for controlled blasting. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #31: Regarding the 2” PVC associated with the Sand Trap DI’s, is there a perforation pattern the State is expecting the contractor to use?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#31)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #32: Stage Construction Plan Sheet SC-1 has multiple items of work that are shown in both Stage 1A and Stage 2. Items 9 – 11 in Stage 1A are them same as items 7 – 9 in Stage 2. Can these items be done in any stage of work?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#32)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#32)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #33: Summary of Quantities Plan Sheet Q-3 shows the locations for Shoulder Backing on the Project. However, typical cross section plan sheet X-1 is the only location on the typical cross sections or layout sheets that calls for shoulder backing. Please provide additional information, details or call outs for shoulder backing.
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#33)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#33)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #34: Traffic Handling Plans for stage 1 and stage 1A show plastic traffic drums on the center line of west bound route 80. What is the intent of the traffic drums on the WB route, and will the State pay to replace traffic drums that are damaged during construction of the project?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#34)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#34)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #35: Under which bid item is the minor concrete pad for the barrier at the maintenance vehicle pullout paid?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#35)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#35)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #36: The gutter detail on plan sheet DD-7 calls out the concrete to be minor concrete (misc construction), however this gutter is not on any of the quantity sheets showing how much concrete is needed for this work. Please provide the quantity for this gutter and revise the bid quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#36)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#36)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #37: Under which bid item do the aprons for the DI’s shown on plan sheet DD-7 paid?
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:(BI#37)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/01/2023
Response #2:(BI#37)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #38: Reference project plan sheets 132 of 426 and 411 of 426. Caltrans utilities are shown on the foundation plan for Kingvale and utility plans; fiber optics and electrical. will these utilities and their associated pull boxes and cabinets be relocated as they are in direct conflict for the construction of abutment 1 stage 1A at Kingvale?
Inquiry submitted 09/06/2023
Response #1:(BI#38)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/06/2023
Response #2:(BI#38)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #39: PLANS L-3, 9/426 and C-7, 51/426:
Both Plans indicate a Crash Cushion @ 57 ft. Rt. of "A" 128+20. It is called out a a Temporary TL-3 Crash Cushion, but would appear to be permanent, protecting the approach end of the Type 60M Barrier. There is no Item or Special provisions for a Permanent Crash Cushion.
What is correct?
Inquiry submitted 09/06/2023
Response #1:(BI#39)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/07/2023
Response #2:(BI#39)-Please bid per current contract documents
Response posted 09/18/2023
Where is this item placed? The quantities shown on the Chart on Q-3 do not coincide with the Midwest Guardrail locations?
Inquiry submitted 09/07/2023
Response #1:(BI#40)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/07/2023
Response #2:(BI#40)-
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#40)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Inquiry #41: Please specify which locations require the Temporary Creek Diversion System (Bid Item #39 / Special Provision Section 13-12).
Inquiry submitted 09/08/2023
Response #1:(BI#41)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/08/2023
Response #2:(BI#41)-A TCDS is needed at any location where water is flowing. Refer to PLAC’s for details regarding different jurisdictional drainages which could have water present and need TCDS. There are other non-jurisdictional drainages (stormwater) which could also require TCDS if water is present and flowing.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #42: Note #2 on Sheet D-2 refers to Sheet DD-18 for more information/details related to sand traps. We currently do not have a Sheet DD-18, please provide this sheet and/or clarify.
Inquiry submitted 09/09/2023
Response #1:(BI#42)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#42)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #43: Is the excavation for Bid Item 68 “Individual slab Replacement(RSC)” include in its item? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#43)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#43)-Your attentions is directed to section 41-9 of the Standard Specifications. Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #44: In inquiry #5 answer, Caltrans mentions there is an addendum 1 being issued. What is the timeline for the issuance of the addendum and is Caltrans going to postpone the job?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#44)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#44)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #45: Please clarify both the scope and location of work for the 2" Welded Steel Pipe Conduit (Bid Item #51 - 530 LF) and 3" Welded Steel Pipe Conduit (Bid Item #52 - 265 LF).
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#45)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#45)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #46: Please provide trench detail for Bid Item #112 - 8" Alternative Pipe Underdrain.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#46)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#46)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #47: Plans do not provide any grate or invert elevation information for the Sandtrap Modified G3 drainage inlets. CY for each inlet are provided on Sheet DQ-12. Is that correct that all of the Modified G3 drainage inlets for Sandtraps (21 EA) are of identical size/height and all are to be built per details/dimensions shown on Sheet DD-16?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#47)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#47)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #48: Bid Item 49, Imported Borrow 169,000 CY, does Caltrans have a borrow source that could be used for this job?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#48)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#48)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #49: Can you please confirm erosion control material quantities, 54 Bonded Fiber Matrix, 55 Rolled Erosion Control Netting. There is a large discrepancy between takeoff quantities and bid quantities.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#49)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#49)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #50: Reference Sheet D-7 and DQ-12 (Traction Sandtrap No. 6). Sheet D-7 calls out 8" APUD for drainage unit "c". On Sheet DQ-12 there is no LF noted under column for 8" APUD and only LF is noted under column for 2" Plastic Pipe (Sch 40) Supply Line. This same issue occurs for Traction Sandtrap No. 8, No. 15, No. 17, No. 20 and No. 21 (8" APUD noted on "D" sheets but not "DQ" sheet). Please clarify intent and update item quantities as needed.
Additionally, Sheet DQ-12 does not call out 2" Plastic Pipe (Sch 40) Supply Line for the majority of the Traction Sandtraps. Per Sheet DD-16, it appears every drainage inlet gets at least a short section of 2" pipe. Please clarify intent and update item quantities as needed.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#50)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#50)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #51: For sandtrap inlets shown on Sheet DD-16, details call for precast polymer concrete grated line drains with 2" perforated pipe and permeable backill material to be installed in the floor of each inlet. Is this scope of work compensated within Item #81 (F - Structural Concrete, Drainage Inlet)?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#51)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#51)-See addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #52: Per Sheet DQ-12, CY of concrete aprons around sandtrap inlets are compensated under Bid Item #140 (Minor Concrete - Miscellaneous Construction). Per Sheet DQ-7, CY of concrete aprons for Drainage System 30.j and 30.l are compensated under Bid Item #81 (F - Structural Concrete, Drainage Inlet). The concrete apron required per Drainage System 13.c (Sheet D-4) is not noted on DQ sheets for payment under any bid items.
Can this be revised to have all concrete aprons compensated under a single bid item, or provide clarification/intent regarding where the various concrete aprons are to be compensated.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#52)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#52)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #53: Drainage System 1X on Sheet D-2 is shown as culvert removals only. Drainage system #1X.b appears to show culvert ends terminating inside the limits of the existing roadway. Please clarify intent of this existing culvert and how it currently functions.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#53)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#53)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #54: Drainage System #18.i (Sheet DP-10) does not note length/width dimensions or RSP size for the RSP outlet pad. Please provide.
Drainage System #22.d (Sheet DP-13) does not note length/width dimensions for the RSP outlet pad. Please provide.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#54)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#54)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #55: Please clarify quantity shown for Bid Item #161 (Cable Railing). Actual LF shown on plans for headwalls/wingwalls appears to be considerably higher than bid item quantity of 292 LF.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#55)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#55)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #56: On plan sheet L-16, approximate stationing 301+44 to 304+97 calls out grinding of existing concrete pavement followed by placement of polyester concrete overlay.
On Construction Detail sheet C-3, approximate stationing 301+44 to 304+97 shows this same area as being 'groove existing concrete pavement'.
On summary of Quantities sheet Q-1, this area is omitted from the groove existing concrete pavement column. Quantities for grinding and placing PPC overlay in these area are included on this sheet.
Please clarify - is the area shown (approximate stationing 301+44 to 304+97) intended to be ground and overlaid with PPC? Ground, overlaid with PPC, then grooved? Or just grooved, and not ground or overlaid with PPC?
Is the detail showing this area being grooved on sheet C-3 in error?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#56)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#56)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #57: Typically, the square footage for Bid Item 95 (Prepare Concrete Bridge Deck Surface) will match the square footage for Bid Item 97 (Place Polyester Concrete Overlay).
There is approximately 63,000 SQFT difference between the two bid items. I understand a large portion of the PPC overlay is technically on concrete pavement and not on a bridge deck. Under which bid item is payment intended in relation to the concrete surface preparation for this difference in square footage?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#57)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/11/2023
Response #2:(BI#57)-See addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #58: Stage Construction Plan SC-1 (sheet 147) General note 3, Stage 1 note 4 and 7, Stage 1A note 17, Stage 2 note 12 state the temporary barrier system must be removed by October 15th of the construction season. What date can temporary barrier system be installed? Can temporary barrier system remain in place during the months October through May?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#58)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #4:(BI#58)-Referenced notes refer to permanent erosion control. They do to refer to temporary barrier system.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #59: Typical cross section plan X-1 and X-2 (sheets 2 and 3) show sawcut in the middle of the new JPCP panel. Is the sawcut shown in the correct location to accommodate stage construction temporary barrier system layout? If so, please provide longitudinal construction joint details to use in middle of JPCP panel.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:(BI#59)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#59)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #60: Stage 2 Stage Construction Plans (sheets SC-30 to SC-46) shade the eastbound (EB) wheel rut repair areas according to the Legend as "Construction Under Night Closure This Stage". The wheel rut repair operation is constructed behind temporary barrier in the EB direction. Will daytime operations be allowed? Is the shading of these EB wheel rut repair areas according to the Legend (stating night closures) incorrect?
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023
Response #1:(BI#60)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:(BI#60)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #61: Stage 1A stage construction plan sheets (SC-13 to SC-29) do not outline the limits of the eastbound (EB) wheel rut repair areas as described on the Index Sheet (sheet SC-1). The EB wheel rut repair limits are outlined on the Stage 2 Stage Construction Plan sheets.
Some areas of EB wheel rut repairs appear to conflict with the limits of temporary barrier in Stage 1A.
Can the limits of EB wheel rut repair areas be added to the Stage 1A stage construction plan sheets?
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023
Response #1:(BI#61)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:(BI#61)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #62: Would Caltrans consider product substitution for this project from methyl methacrylate paint to two-component paint or thermoplastic traffic stripe? Epoxy is recommended for striping lightly snowplowed roads due to its excellent abrasion resistance and bond strength to PCC pavement as per State of California Department of Transportation Guideline for Selecting Materials and Standard Special Provisions for Traffic Striping and Pavement Marking Version 3.0
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023
Response #1:(BI#62)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:(BI#62)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #63: Plan sheet X-4 shows structural section number 1 for WB Route 80 Station 300+23 to 300+65. However, plan sheet L-16 shows this same location to be Individual Slab Replacement. Please clarify the proposed structural section for WB Route 80 Station 300+23 to 300+65.
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023
Response #1:(BI#63)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:(BI#63)-See addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #64: Addendum #1 reduced the depth of Structural Section [2] from 0.15' to 0.06'. This reduction in volume does not appear to be accounted for in the revised bid schedule and SOQ sheets.
Bid Item #66 (Furnish Polyester Concrete Inlay) and Bid Item #96 (Furnish Polyester Concrete Overlay) are now overstated. Please revise?
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023
Response #1:(BI#64)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/12/2023
Response #2:(BI#64)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #65: SOQ - 1 (Sheet No.314) Calls for the 16,300lf of 60M Barrier to be Modified. No details are given for the modification, and nowhere else does it call for 60M Mod. Only thing I can find is a detail on sheet No. 47 (C-3) calling for 60M to go around a bridge column, but that should be an MF Callout. Please Revise.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#65)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#65)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #66: Reference plan sheets L-16 and D-16 (22 of 426 and 67 of 426) in regard to drainage system 47. Both Sheet L-16 and D-16 show the fill line for the new embankment covering a portion of the open trench section of the “Wildlife Crossing”. At this time no information for adding a roof on the open channel exists in the current plan set. Please provide the proper information for the required roof at the open channel or other measures to retain the fill.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#66)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#66)-See addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
There is no roof or any type of covering for the Wildlife Crossing.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #67: Stage 1 JPCP from approximate station 104+00 to 147+00 includes placement JPCP for the left shoulder and #1 and #2 lanes. Stage 1A JPCP from approximate station 104+00 to 147+00 includes placement of #3 lane and right shoulder. Are sacrificial tie-bars required to be installed in the longitudinal construction joint (between new lane #2 and existing lane #3) constructed in stage 1 prior to removal and replacement of new lane #3?
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#67)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#67)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #68: Regarding bid item 130, Concrete Invert Paving, Drainage Details DD-2 calls out that the contractor is required to weld 4 each 3/8” Dia. x 3-1/8” Long J4L Headed Studs at 3” min apart radially at every other corrugation peak on each side of invert every 5.25”. Per that detail, the contractor would approximately need to weld 15,500 studs in the 4 locations in the existing CSP. Please clarify if that is the intent of the detail?
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#68)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#68)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #69: Layout sheet L-5 at station 147+29 to 150+69 shows Individual Slab Replacement that has not been X-ed out like the other layout sheets. Please confirm that ISR or JPCP will not be installed in that location?
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#69)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#69)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #3:(BI#69)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #70: Addendum 1, Typical Cross Sections X-1 calls out Structural Section 9, 1.67’ JPCP. X-3 also calls out section 9 in several locations that are X-ed out on the layout sheets. Please confirm that the layout sheets are correct, and no structural section 9 is required on this project.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#70)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#70)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #3:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #4:(BI#70)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #71: Addendum 1, Stage Construction Plan SC-15 and SC-16 between station 36+50 to 43+00 are to be constructed under night closures during stage 1A. This area will need a longer closure than each night to perform the removals and replacements per structural section 1 (1.15’ JPCP, 0.25’ HMA-A, 0.70’ Class 2 AB). Please consider extending the length of the off-ramp closure to accommodate current bid items, or please add the appropriate bid items to build this section during nightly closures.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#71)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #3:(BI#71)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #72: Reference existing Caltrans R/W at approximate Station 126+00 ("A" Line), just north of WB Route 80 (between WB Route 80 and Donner Pass Road). It appears this area is used currently as a yard by Caltrans for a specific reason. Is this area available for the Contractor to use during construction, or is this area needed for Caltrans use only.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023
Response #1:(BI#72)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:(BI#72)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #73: Reference existing Caltrans R/W at approximate Station 290+00 ("A" Line), just north of WB Route 80 (between WB Route 80 and Donner Pass Road). It appears this area is used currently as a yard by Caltrans for a specific reason. Is this area available for the Contractor to use during construction, or is this area needed for Caltrans use only.
Inquiry submitted 09/14/2023
Response #1:(BI#73)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/14/2023
Response #2:(BI#73)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #74: To whom it may concern:
Regarding the bid opportunity for Contract 03-1H9904:
1. Has a natural resources protection plan been prepared for this project?
a. If so, will Caltrans release the NRPP in an addendum?
b. If not, will an addendum be issued with this as a separate bid item?
2. Biological Resource Information Program is not included as a bid item in the bid schedule; referenced on page 98 of specs. What bid item does this fall under?
3. The qualification requirements for Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog experience under Contractor-supplied biologist are cut off on the table. What type of experience is required for the three years of professional experience?
Inquiry submitted 09/14/2023
Response #1:(BI#74)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/14/2023
Response #2:(BI#74)-1.14-6.023D(2) Natural Resources Protection Plan, only applies if there is a bid item for the NRPP in the estimate. Since there is none, a NRPP is not required for the project.
2.This is paid under bid item number 41, Contractor Supplied Biologist.
3.See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/06/2023
Inquiry #75: Addendum 1 plan sheet DQ-8 shows the RSP 150lb class changing from 13.3 CY to 47.5 CY and the RSP fabric changing from 32.9 SY to 142.9 SY at drainage system 36. On addendum 1 plan sheet DQ-13 instead of the fabric quantity being changed, the 1/4 Ton RSP quantity was changed. Please revise the quantity to reflect the correct changes to the RSP fabric, not the RSP 1/4 Ton.
Inquiry submitted 09/14/2023
Response #1:(BI#75)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/14/2023
Response #2:(BI#75)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #76: The quantity for Import Borrow (Bid Item #49 – 169,000 CY) appears to be overstated. Plan Sheet Q-2 (Summary of Quantities) notes the Embankment (“not a separate bid item”) as 168,893 CY and presumably the breakdown behind the Import Borrow item quantity. The Import Borrow item should be reduced by the Roadway Excavation quantity (Bid Item #43 – 45,500 CY) at a minimum. Please clarify and adjust bid item quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#76)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#76)-See addendum #1, dated September 12, 2023.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Inquiry #77: The quantity for Roadway Excavation (Bid Item #43 – 45,500 CY) appears to be overstated and currently includes the CY quantity for “Remove Concrete Pavement” (Bid Item #70 – 16,900 CY). Please clarify and adjust bid item quantity accordingly. This will also impact and require adjustment for project’s Import Borrow (Bid Item #49).
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#77)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#77)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #78: Please provide a pipe trench backfill detail for Rapid Strength Concrete requirements for new drainage system culvert crossings that are not within the footprint of new pavement sections being constructed and/or locations that can’t be installed behind temporary barrier.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#78)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#78)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #79: There is an existing home/building in the median at approximate Station 104+50 (Sheet L-2). The proposed fills are shown to be constructed right to the edge of the structure. Proposed silt fence shown to be placed through the structure. Is this structure currently abandoned and/or scheduled to be removed prior to the project starting? If the structure stays – what are the requirements for owner access, monitoring/protection, restrictions on work hours, etc,.. and how is this work to be compensated.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#79)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:BI#79)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #80: Layout sheet L-5 at station 147+29 to 150+69 shows Individual Slab Replacement that has not been X-ed out like the other layout sheets. Please confirm that ISR or JPCP will not be installed in that location?
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#80)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#80)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #81: Addendum 1, Typical Cross Sections X-1 calls out Structural Section 9, 1.67’ JPCP. X-3 also calls out section 9 in several locations that are X-ed out on the layout sheets. Please confirm that the layout sheets are correct, and no structural section 9 is required on this project.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#81)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#81)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #82: Addendum 1, Stage Construction Plan SC-15 and SC-16 between station 36+50 to 43+00 are to be constructed under night closures during stage 1A. This area will need a longer closure than each night to perform the removals and replacements per structural section 1 (1.15’ JPCP, 0.25’ HMA-A, 0.70’ Class 2 AB). Please consider extending the length of the off-ramp closure to accommodate current bid items, or please add the appropriate bid items to build this section during nightly closures.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#82)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#82)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #83: Regarding bid item 130, Concrete Invert Paving, Drainage Details DD-2 calls out that the contractor is required to weld 4 each 3/8” Dia. x 3-1/8” Long J4L Headed Studs at 3” min apart radially at every other corrugation peak on each side of invert every 5.25”. Per that detail, the contractor would approximately need to weld 15,500 studs in the 4 locations in the existing CSP. Please clarify if that is the intent of the detail?
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#83)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:
Response posted 10/03/2023
Response #3:BI#83)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #84: Reference Concrete Invert Paving (Bid Item #130 / Sheet DD-2). For at least some of the existing culverts called out to receive invert paving, they appear to have existing invert paving installed in them now. It is not clear whether all culverts have this condition. Special Provision Section 71-3.04C states “Before paving the invert, remove all coatings, corrosion and other surface material until only base steel is exposed by sandblasting the portion to be paved”. Sheet DD-2 (Invert Paving Detail) Note #2 states that the interior surface shall be cleaned "with high-pressure water jet and/or wet sandblasting".
If existing culvert cleaning method specified (high-pressure water jet and/or wet sandblasting) is not sufficient to remove all existing surface material, it is assumed it would be change order work to properly clean/prep surfaces. Please confirm.
Which culverts (drainage system numbers) are we to assume have existing invert paving in them now that is required to be removed/cleaned?
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#84)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#84)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #85: Please see answer to Bidder Inquiry #37 - appears to be for a different question. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#85)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#85)-Response to inquiry #37 had been updated.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #86: Please confirm/adjust the Alternative Temporary Crash Cushions TL-3 quantity (Bid Item #18), specifically the following locations on the plans where called out but may not be needed/required: Sheet SC-16 (67.45' Rt "DETOUR 1A" 41+63.37) and Sheet SC-29 (00.00' Lt "DETOUR 1A" 22+79.24).
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#86)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#86)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #87: For safety reasons and potential of rock falling down the slopes, please provide k-rail and rock fencing bid items to be installed near the Westbound 80 direction.
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#87)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:(BI#87)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #88: For Bid Item #39 "Temporary Creek Diversion Systems". Please provide Specifications and Typical Plan Details to show which work/culverts would require Temporary Creek Diversion?
Inquiry submitted 09/18/2023
Response #1:(BI#88)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Response #2:(BI#88)-Your attention is directed to section 13-12, “Temporary Creek Diversion Systems,” of the Special Provisions. A TCDS is needed at any location where water is flowing. Refer to PLAC’s for details regarding different jurisdictional drainages which could have water present and need TCDS. There are other non-jurisdictional drainages (stormwater) which could also require TCDS if water is present and flowing. Means and methods are the responsibility of the Contractor.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #89: With the size and scope change of Addendum 1 along with the still unanswered bidder inquiries, does Caltrans anticipate a bid date extension?
Inquiry submitted 09/19/2023
Response #1:(BI#89)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Response #2:(BI#89)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #90: Reference Bidder Inquiry #39 - Response discusses TCDS, appears this response is for a different bidder inquiry and does not apply to #39. Please clarify / revise.
Inquiry submitted 09/19/2023
Response #1:(BI#90)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Response #2:(BI#90)-Response to inquiry #39 had been updated.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #91: Reference Bidder Inquiry #29 - Response discusses controlled blasting, appears this response is for a different bidder inquiry and does not apply to #29. Please clarify / revise.
Inquiry submitted 09/19/2023
Response #1:(BI#91)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Response #2:(BI#91)-Response to inquiry #29 had been updated.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #92: Reference Bidder Inquiries #20, #35, #40, #50 and #58 – All responses state to See Addendum #1. Addendum #1 does not address these bidder inquiries. Please clarify / revise.
Inquiry submitted 09/19/2023
Response #1:BI#92)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Response #2:(BI#92)-Response to inquiry #20, 35, 40, 50 and 58 have been updated.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Inquiry #93: Reference Bidder Inquiry #76 – Response states to See Addendum #1. Addendum #1 does not address this bidder inquiry. New Sheet Q-2 added a column for “Imported Borrow” under the “Roadway Quantities Summary” table. This column matches the “Embankment” column (except for 31 CY related to Bioswales which was added). Clarification is still needed regarding overstated Import Borrow quantity (Bid Item #49) which does not account for any Roadway Excavation quantity (Bid Item #43). Please clarify and adjust bid item quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 09/19/2023
Response #1:(BI#93)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/19/2023
Response #2:(BI#93)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #94: Reference project plan sheet 411 of 426, Kingvale UC Bridge, Foundation Plan. There is a Caltrans fiber optic line and electrical line at abutment 1 of the bridge that interferes with abutment 1 stages 1 and 1A construction. Will these line be relocated?
Inquiry submitted 09/20/2023
Response #1:(BI#94)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/20/2023
Response #2:(BI#94)-Refer to Addendum No. 3 dated October 5, 2023. Plan sheet 411 of 426 is replaced. Caltrans fiber optic line (Ct fo) and Caltrans electrical line (Ct e) do not interfere with Kingvale UC abutment 1 stages 1 and 1A construction. For utility information, refer to plans sheets 129 through 145.
Response posted 10/05/2023
Inquiry #95: It appears the State has no way to pay for the recessed pavement markers. Please add and item for 810250 - PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE-RECESSED).
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2023
Response #1:(BI#95)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/22/2023
Response #2:(BI#95)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #96: Question #64 mentions this item in addendum #1
X-1 has shown the depth of grinding to be .06' and the depth of inlay to be .06'
C-4 shows the grinding to be .06' and the inlay to be .15' via Section C-C and Detail A
Is the intention for Caltrans to have a grinding done to create an edge for inlay with an average depth of .15' due to the "wheel rutting"?
Otherwise, the summary of quantities Q-1 is overstated by more than 50%
The total is also incorrect as the 5 items total 19,224 CF, not 18,064 CF
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2023
Response #1:(BI#96)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/22/2023
Response #2:(BI#96)-Please see addendum #2, dated September 26, 2023.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #97: Several bidder inquiry responses list a response # and date but no response written (#25, 26, 58, 70, 71, etc,..). Please provide these responses.
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2023
Response #1:(BI#97)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/22/2023
Response #2:(BI#97)-There were technical difficulties that resulted in the inquiry number and date being posted, but no response provided. Please refer to the latest responses.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #98: Do Drainage Systems Headwalls 4k and 8i have footings or only a cutoff wall? The plans show only a cutoff wall, but the standard plans and quantities would suggest that a footing is required. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2023
Response #1:(BI#98)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/22/2023
Response #2:(BI#98)-Please see addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #99: Reference project plan sheet 392 and 412 of 426. Note 2 on each sheet states, “Stage 1 Abutment reinforcement to be lap spliced with Stage 1A reinforcement”. It seems that the only way to accomplish this is to use a service splice, will this be acceptable?
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:(BI#99)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:(BI#99)-Refer to Note 2 shown on sheets 392 and 412 of 426 of the contract plans, and section 52-6.01A of the special provisions. For Grade 80 reinforcement, reinforcing bar splices consist of lap splices. No further information will be provided. Bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 09/28/2023
Inquiry #100: Will Caltrans allow the use of Leave-in-Place metal decking for forming between the Precast Girders?
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:(BI#100)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:(BI#100)-This inquiry rescinded per inquiry BI#103.
Response posted 09/27/2023
Inquiry #101: Please locate K-Rail for protecting Temporary Supports, Existing Bridge Footing Removal(s) and Abutment work at both Bridge Locations. Also, the As-Builts for Kingvale do not show the bottom of footing elevations. Please provide.
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:(BI#101)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:(BI#101)-District to respond to the K-Rail inquiry. Regarding the bottom of footing elevations of Kingvale UC, Br. No. 19-0107R, request As-Builts for Kingvale UC, Br. No. 19-0107L.
Response posted 09/28/2023
Response #3:(BI#101)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #102: Why did only some of the quantities of Item 85 get deleted by Addendum No. 1 and not all of the them?
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:(BI#102)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:(BI#102)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #103: Please disregard the question about leave-in-place decking.
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:(BI#103)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:(BI#103)-Considered it Done.
Response posted 09/27/2023
Inquiry #104: What concrete removal/replacement is anticipated at Kingvale Road when existing footings are removed to the limits shown on Sheets 408 & 409?
Inquiry submitted 09/27/2023
Response #1:(BI#104)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/27/2023
Response #2:(BI#104)-Plan sheets 408 and 409 of 426 of the contract plans show bridge removal limits. Plan sheet 406 of 426 of the contract plans provides the list of bid item quantities for work shown at this structure.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #105: Special Provisions requires a Contractor-Supplied Biologist monitor during "clear water diversion installation and removal". No other monitoring requirement is listed.
The CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement (measure 2.6, 2.7, 2.15) lists additional monitoring and daily inspection requirements, including monitoring: all project activities; ground- and vegetation-disturbing activities; riparian vegetation removal; dewatering; culvert work; FES and RSP installation; bank and channel regrading; clear-water diversion installation and removal; inspect trenches each morning".
Does the 40 DAY estimate account for the additional CDFW monitoring requirements?
Inquiry submitted 09/27/2023
Response #1:(BI#105)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/27/2023
Response #2:(BI#105)-The 1600 agreement only applies to the 5 locations called out in the project description, not the entire project. Some monitoring in the permitted areas may not be necessary if no water is present at the time of work. For example clear water diversion or dewatering.
Measure 2.15 can be completed by the construction personnel as applicable. The designated biologist is not solely responsible for that work.
The Department believes 40 days is an acceptable amount of time to complete this work.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #106: Addendum #2 added new Bid Item #187 - (F) Minor Concrete (174 CY) and the new Quantity Summary table on Sheet Q-3 titled "Minor Concrete". Per the new table, the full quantity would be for one location - Layout sheets L-3 and L-4 from Rt "A" Station 128+30.42 to Rt "A" 129+16.94. The construction detail is shown on Sheet C-7 which is Structural Section #1 (0.83' Minor Conc) underneath the Type 60M Concrete Barrier for stations noted above. For this single location and concrete section noted, the quantity is approximately 11 CY. Please clarify where the additional quantity/locations are for this new bid item, or request this bid item quantity be updated/decreased.
Inquiry submitted 09/29/2023
Response #1:(BI#106)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 09/29/2023
Response #2:(BI#106)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #107: Addendum 2 revised Special Provision Section 12-4.02C(3)(g) Freeway Lane Closure charts. Note 2 states, "Vehicles may only access the active work zone when the adjacent lane is closed during approved lane closure hours." This will require all clear and grub, import, roadway excavation, aggregate base, asphalt, JPCP and polyester work at night with lane closures. Is this the intent of the revised/added note? Roadway excavation and import embankment work at night on a steep rocky slope creates more of an unsafe working condition than working during the day. Will Caltrans consider revising lane closure chart G1 to allow lane closures Monday-Thursday from 1200 to 1800 (similar to Chart G2 off peak season)?
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023
Response #1:(BI#107)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:(BI#107)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #108: Regarding bid item 63, Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement, can you please clarify if joint sealant will be required in the new pavement joints? If so, is the joint sealant incidental to bid item 63 JPCP, or will Caltrans add a bid item for the joint sealant?
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#108)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#108)-See addendum #4, dated October 9, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #109: Addendum 2, Freeway Lane Closure chart, Note 2 states, "Vehicles may only access the active work zone when the adjacent lane is closed during approved lane closure hours." Is the word "Vehicle" referring to multi axle haul trucks or all vehicles, including pick up trucks used by the work force? Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#109)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#109)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #110: The quantity for bid item 187, that was added in addendum 2, appears to be overstated. If this bid item is supposed to be for the minor concrete under the concrete barrier at the maintenance pullout, the quantity would be no more than 15 CY; per the stationing shown on addendum 2 plan sheet Q-3 and the detail on plan sheet C-7 of the original plans. Please clarify if this bid item is for the minor concrete under the concrete barrier at the maintenance pullout and adjust the quantity accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#110)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#110)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #111: Lane closure chart No. G1 and G2, provided in Addendum 2, only allows vehicles to access the work zone when the adjacent lane is closed with a lane closure. This will allow for only night work during the Peak Season. Most of the work will need to be completed during the Peak Season as Earthwork commenced, must be completed by October 15th (Per Plan Sheet SC-1). This change by the State eliminates day work during the most productive part of the year. The change also eliminates the ability to work multiple shifts in a working day (Night and Day Shifts). Will Caltrans consider revising the minimum and maximum working days due to this change to the lane closure charts?
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#111)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#111)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #112: With the addition of remark number two on the addendum 2 lane closure charts G1 & G2, the work will have to be constructed at night. Since there are now large slopes being constructed at night we will need to have multiple light plants on the project for a long period of time. The best place to light up the slope is from the West Bound lanes. Please consider adding K-rail on the WB lanes along all fill slope areas so the contractor can protect those light plants.
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#112)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#112)-See addendum #3, dated October 5, 2023.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #113: In response to Bidder Inquiry No. 3 regarding DBE goals. The recent change to the lane closure chart provided in Addendum 2 now requires work during the Peak Season to be completed at night. DBE Truckers, Suppliers and Subcontractors will now have to work at night in a remote location. Many can and will find day work at a project much closer to home. Can Caltrans make an exception and lower this DBE Goal due to the request for night work and the remoteness of the project?
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#113)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#113)-Refer to the response to BI #3. “Please refer to the contract documents, special provisions, and Standard Specifications 2-1.12 for the DBE requirements on this contract. You may find 49 CFR Appendix A to Part 26 I. DBE Regulation on Guidance Concerning Good Faith Effort helpful.”
The DBE goal will not be reduced.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Inquiry #114: Would Caltrans entertain the possibility of substituting MMA with alternative materials such as Thermoplastic or Two-Component Paint Stripe? Caltrans has encountered widespread failures of recessed MMA, particularly on state highways exposed to snowy conditions. District 3, 8, and 4 have all recognized that MMA is not a suitable product, concurring that it is highly brittle and prone to easy fracturing, leading to delamination from the pavement surface.
Furthermore, it's noteworthy that project numbers 03-1G4204, 03-3H4504, and 08-0K1224 serve as instances where considerations were made for product substitution, transitioning from MMA to epoxy. Project 09-213404 notably permitted the use of EWNV thermoplastic instead of MMA prior to the bidding process.
Inquiry submitted 10/04/2023
Response #1:(BI#114)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Response #2:(BI#114)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/04/2023
Inquiry #115: Will there be a tack item added to the bid schedule? If not how will it be covered.
Inquiry submitted 10/06/2023
Response #1:(BI#115)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/06/2023
Response #2:(BI#115)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/11/2023
Inquiry #116: Per Addendum No.2, slab replacement, furnish / place polyester, and grinding activities per Stage 2 had been removed. Does Caltrans intend to adjust the Temporary Barrier System quantity of 58,400 LF?
Inquiry submitted 10/09/2023
Response #1:(BI#116)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Response #2:(BI#116)-Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/11/2023
Inquiry #117: Kingvale, existing bridge has the footings to be removed entirely, sheet 411 shows that CT-fo conduit passes over two footings. Is the fiber optics going to relocated prior to the bridge removal?
Inquiry submitted 10/09/2023
Response #1:(BI#117)-Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 10/09/2023
Response #2:(BI#117)-Refer to plan sheet 411 of 426 of Addendum No. 3 dated October 5, 2023. Caltrans fiber optic line (Ct fo) is not described to be relocated prior to bridge removal. Bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 10/10/2023
The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.