Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-0K7804

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Inquiry #1: FYI. Caltrans to All Bidders - How do I register for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting?
Inquiry submitted 07/31/2023

Response #1:Please do not use the Bidder Inquiry platform for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting registration; it is for inquiries related to bidding on the project contract. Register in advance of the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting, and no later than 1 hour before the meeting time, by sending an email with bidder information to Please include the project number & "Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting", within the subject of the email.
Response posted 07/31/2023

Response #2:The following companies attended the meeting:
Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc
DeSilva Gates Construction
Garrison Demolition Engineering
GECMS INC, dba Giron Construction
Ghilotti Bros., Inc.
Ghilotti Construction Company, Inc.
Golden Bay Construction, Inc.
Innovative Project Solutions, Inc. (IPS)
KLM Consulting, LLC DBA Kompli
Magellan Construction, Inc.
MBS Engineering
OC Jones & Sons, Inc.
Q & A Consulting LLC
Teichert Construction

See below for the list of those attending.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Response #3:At the end of the mandatory meeting there was a question on training for the B2Gnow system. The link below is to the training.

For further assistance, use the email below.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #2: Plan layout sheet 25 of 369 ( L19) is not showing the cold place AC Pavement and RHMA-G Structural sections legends. We can't see the limits of work. Please provide revised plan sheet.
Inquiry submitted 08/03/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/03/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 1.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #3: There are numerous utilities that will need to be adjusted on this project in order to complete the work. Please provide bids items for the Item Codes associated with the utilities that need to be adjusted.
710208 – Adjust Frame & Cover to Grade (Already provided in current bid schedule)
710212 – Adjust Manhole to Grade
710218 – Adjust Valve Box
710220 – Adjust Utility Cover to Grade
780250 – Adjust Monument Cover to Grade

Inquiry submitted 08/25/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/25/2023

Response #2:There are no bid items to adjust utilities. Caltrans believes the contractor can grind and pave around the utilities in the same shift.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #4: ITEM # 108, REMOVE METAL RAILING-36 LF:
This work is shown on sheet 5 of 14, 123/369, for Work Location #4, in the amount of 3'-0". The quantity on the Quantity Chart on Q-2 is 35.13 LF.
What is correct?

Inquiry submitted 08/30/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/30/2023

Response #2:Please bid per plan.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #5: The Noise Restriction Exceptions table in section 14-8.02 shows that exceptions are granted for cold planing and paving activities Monday - Friday from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM, but do not mention the removal and replacement of minor concrete. These hours coincide with the lane closures per K1 and K2. Will contractor be allowed to close a lane for removal and replacement of concrete during daytime hours?
Inquiry submitted 08/31/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/31/2023

Response #2:Lane will be closed for construction activities on the hours listed in the Lane Closure Charts.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Response #3:Chart K1 and K2 do not allow contractor to close lanes during daytime hours.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #6: Sheet L-19 does not show the limits of work for cold milling like all of the other Layout sheets.
Inquiry submitted 09/05/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/05/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 1.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #7: Sheet X-3 of the Contract Drawings indicate based on the station limits that the following ramps are to be completely cold plane and overlayed with RHMA:
- Hazel Ave to EB Rte 84 On-Ramp - Line "ECRE 1" Sta 6+92.86 to 10+84.81
- EB Rte 84 to Laurel St Off-Ramp - Line "ECRE 2" Sta 15+86.00 to 19+90.13
- Laurel St to EB Rte 84 On-Ramp - Line "ECRE 3" Sta 7+37.68 to 13+00.00
- Main St to WB Rte 84 On-Ramp - Line "ECRW 3" Sta 25+73.03 to 27+10.00

However, Layout Sheets L-13 and L-14 do not depict the same limits as X-3 for these ramps, please clarify which is correct?

Inquiry submitted 09/05/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/05/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #8: There are several locations along the project that have off-ramps and on-ramps that require the shoulder to be reconstructed as indicated Per Structal Section Note 9 on Sheet X-1. The replacement of the structural sections for the shoulder are more than a foot deep and the traffic handling plans do not indicate temporary barrier at these locations. The shoulders are only a few feet wide with a significant drop off at the edge of the shoulders, making it difficult to construct a temporary tapered edge as required by Caltrans Standards when the ramp is in use. We believe temporary barrier is required at these locations to reconstruct the shoulders, could Caltrans please revisit these areas to determine if temporary barrier is necessary?
Inquiry submitted 09/06/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/07/2023

Response #2:Contractor is allowed to close the ramps for construction activities per Connector/Ramp Closure Charts. Temporary barrier is not necessary.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #9: The ramp shoulder reconstruct areas indicate that there is concrete curb and gutter to remove in these areas. Where is this concrete removal being paid?
Inquiry submitted 09/07/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/07/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #10: Details on Sheet X-3 for Ramp Shoulder Reconstruction (Note 9) at various locations do not indicate installation Subgrade Reinforcement Fabric, Subgrade Enhancement Geogrid, Imported Borrow (Lightweight Aggregate), nor do they indicate Roadway Ex (Type Z-2). Instead, the indicate 0.20' RHMA-G, 0.60' HMA and 0.50' Class 2 AB. However, these items are all indicated in Ramp Shoulder Reconstruct Quantities on Sheet Q-7. Which items of work are actually to be performed?
Inquiry submitted 09/07/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/07/2023

Response #2:See X-1 for Pavement Structural Section No. 3
Response posted 09/25/2023

Response #3:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #11: Pavement Structural Section 2A and 2B on Sheets X-1 and X-2 indicate Replacement of AC Surfacing (0.6' and 0.5'). Section 3 indicates 0.2' Cold Plane and 0.2' RHMA-G. The cross sections appear to show that failed areas will be paved to the surface, and NOT be cold planed and receive RHMA-G. Please confirm that contractor is to Replace AC surfacing (0.6' or 0.5' as called out complete to surface) and that these areas are to later be cold planed and receive RHMA-G. Also, please confirm that "Failed Areas" (Replace AC Surfacing) will not be subtracted from the total cold plane area performed.
Inquiry submitted 09/07/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/07/2023

Response #2:Confirm "FAILED AREA" (REPLACE AC SURFACING), (Bid Item REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING) will not be subtracted from the total cold plane area performed.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #12: Can Caltrans indicate where the Shoulder Backing (Bid Item No. 30) is to be placed nothing is indicated as far as Stationing or Location on the Layout Sheets?
Inquiry submitted 09/08/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/08/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #13: Please provide detailed cross sections for the Ramp Shoulder Reconstruct (ECRE1, ECRE2, ECRE3 and A1 to ECRW3) and Shoulder Repair (A1 438+72.7 to 442+90). Quantities as shown on Sheet Q7 cannot be verified without as there are no existing or proposed grades shown on the layout drawings
Inquiry submitted 09/08/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/08/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #14: Please provide locations that Portable Changeable Message Signs will be required on the project.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:For PMCS locations, see Standard Plans for Temporary Traffic Control Systems listed for this project.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #15: Pavement Structural Section 8 calls out for 0.20' RHMA-G on 0.80' HMA (Type A) for the shoulder repairs, and Pavement Structural Section 9 calls out 0.20' RHMA-G on 0.60' HMA Type A on 0.50' Class 2 AB for Shoulder Reconstructs. On the Summary of Quantities Sheet Q-7, there is no quantity for RHMA, HMA, or Class 2 AB shown for the Ramp Shoulder Reconstruct items. Please provide.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #16: Sheet L-18 appears to be missing information for alignment OW3. Sheet L-20 shows a callout for the OW3 alignment as structural section #3 (.2ft Cold Plane/.2ft RHMA-G). On Sheets L-19 and L-18 there is no callout for the remainder of alignment OW3. L-18 does show callouts for the OW1, OE2, OE2, OS1 and A1 alignments.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.

Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:Alignment OW3 was shown on all 3 sheets L-18, L-19, and L-20.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #17: Detail A - Shoulder Repair Detail on Sheet X-2 appears to show Structural Pavement Section 8 (0.20' RHMA on 0.80' HMA) directly on Subgrade Enhancement Geotextile, Class B2. Is this correct?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #18: Sheet X-3 indicates cold planning and placing .2' of RHMA between the edge of travel way and edge of shoulder behind the existing concrete curb for ramps "ECRE 1", "ECRE 2", "ECRE 3", "ECRW1" , "ECRW 2", "ECRW 3" and "ECRW 4" was the intention to place HMA in-lieu of RHMA.
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Response #2:See X-1 for Pavement Structural Section No. 3.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #19: When can we expect responses to the bidder inquiries? If all of the current bidder inquiries are not answered by Friday 9/15/23, please consider pushing the bid date to allow for contractors, especially DBE vendors, to put together an accurate bid.

When there are late changes, this effects the ability of DBE companies to bid the project because of their limited resources.

Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Response #2:See addendum No. 1. Also see Bidder Inquiry No. 21.
"Bids for this work will be opened on Thursday, September 21, 2023."
Response posted 09/14/2023

Response #3:Addendum 5 was issued on Oct 4, changing the bid date from Oct. 5, 2023 to Oct. 25, 2023.
Response posted 10/19/2023

Inquiry #20: The bid schedule Item #102 calls for 8 EA Alternative Crash Cushions TL-3. The quantity tabs call out 9 EA Alternative Crash Cushions? We find 9 in the plans. Is 9 EA the correct quantity?

Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Response #2:9 EA is the correct quantity. See Addendum No. 1
Response posted 09/14/2023

Response #3:9 EA is the correct quantity. See Addendum No. 1
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #21: FYI. Caltrans to All Bidders - Please refer to Addendum No. 1.
"Bids for this work will be opened on Thursday, September 21, 2023."

Inquiry submitted 09/14/2023

Response #1:.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #22: The Utility Plan U-1 to U-17 are very hard to identify the existing Manholes, Gas Valves and Water Valves....etc. Please re-issue the Utility Plans and clearly show the existing Manholes, Gas Valves and Water Valves....etc. so we know how many of them that we have to low and raise.
Inquiry submitted 09/15/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/15/2023

Response #2:Only one type of material will be use for paving. The contractor should schedule to complete paving the planned area in one shift and paving around the MAPs (MH, WV....). Such that the MAPs will not stacking up between shift and impact the motorist. For that lower and raise is not necessary. If lower and raise is a method that the contractor chose to use, they have to coordinate with the owners for coordination.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #23: Per Plan Sheet Q-8 to Q-11, there're 151 each locations for "Prepaving Correction". Please provide bid item for this work.
Inquiry submitted 09/15/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/16/2023

Response #2:Items in Q-8 to Q-11 marked with (N) - NOT A SEPARATE PAY ITEM. Bid item will not be provided for "Prepaving Corrections". See Note 1 on Q-11 for information.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #24: Referencing back to inquiry #5, there appears to be no noise exceptions for removal and replacement of concrete during the allowed lane closure hours. When is this work to take place?
Inquiry submitted 09/19/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Response #2:Removal and replace of concrete are work activities for curb ramp. This work could be done during day time if shoulder or lane closure is not required and noise level meets the condition from Standard Special Provisions Section 14-8.02 . In addition, per Standard Special Provisions Section 14-8.02, if noise from these work activities DO NOT exceed 86 dBA at 50 feet from the job site, these work activities could be done from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am.
Response posted 09/26/2023

Inquiry #25: Per summary sheet Q-6, curb ramp reconstruction calls for 111cy of Aggregate Base to be placed underneath the new curb ramps. However, there is no roadway excavation shown for this same qty. Where is the excavation under the curb ramps paid for? We believe it should be under Roadway Excavation, but there is no qty for this scope in the Summary of Quantities for Earthwork.

There is an qty for Remove Base and Surfacing, but this appears to be for the HMA patching in front of the curb ramps and not for the excavation underneath. Please add and item or adjust the Roadway Excavation qty to account for this scope.

Inquiry submitted 09/20/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/20/2023

Response #2:See Addendum No. 3, issued on September 25, 2023.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Inquiry #26: What are the smoothness requirements for the project as referenced on page 299 (Q-11) of the plans?

If smoothness requirements are per typical Standards, please provide data for existing smoothness.

Inquiry submitted 09/24/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Response #2:Refer to Standard Specs Section 39 Asphalt Concrete for smoothness requirement.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Response #3:Existing MRI vary from 150 to 400. Target MRI for both EB/WB Route 84 is 75.
Response posted 09/27/2023

Inquiry #27: Will the bid date be changed due to the amount of changes in Addendum 3?
Inquiry submitted 09/25/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Response #2:The bid date was changed in Addendum 4 to October 5th.
Addendum 5 was issued on Oct 4, changing the bid date from Oct. 5, 2023 to Oct. 25, 2023.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #28: For Crack Treatment, Addendum 3 shows a qty of 3 Lane Miles spread out across the project in the summary of quantities page 289 (Q-1). Where are the 3 lane miles that are slated for crack treatment? The length of road in the areas shown on the summary of qty's is 17.80 Lane Miles.

It is important for the contractor to know where the 3 lane miles are because it will significantly impact production since the crack treatment needs to be done in the same shift as the cold plane and RHMA placement. We need to know how many lane miles of paving will be effected, so we know when crack treatment will be needed.

Please provide provide actual stationing of the lane miles needing crack treatment.

Please do not proceed with bidding this project without providing this information.

Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/26/2023

Response #2:Please bid per the quantity provided.
Response posted 09/27/2023

Inquiry #29: Would Caltrans please consider postponing the bid by 1 week?
Inquiry submitted 09/27/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/27/2023

Response #2:The bid date was changed in Addendum 4 to October 5th.
Addendum 5 was issued on Oct 4, changing the bid date from Oct. 5, 2023 to Oct. 25, 2023.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #30: Q-1 (Ad3) ONLY shows the SQYD Cold Plane AC for A1 Main Line. Where does the Cold Plane AC gets paid for Ramps "ECRE1, ECRE2, ECRE3, ECRW1, ECRW2, ECRW3, ECRW4, OE1, OE2, OE3, OW1, OW2, OW3, OS1
Inquiry submitted 09/27/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Response #2:Plan sheet Q-1 includes the quantities for Cold plane AC for the ramps. The ramp quantities are listed per layout sheet.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #31: Q-6(Ad3) - Class 2 Aggregate Base. The ab value for the ramp shoulder construct was added to this summary for a grand total of 652.34 cy.
The bid quantity is still 380 cy. Where does the additional 272.50 cy of CL2AB at the ramp shoulder get paid for?

Inquiry submitted 09/27/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.

Response posted 10/02/2023

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #32: Would it be possible to have another pre bid meeting for those that were unable to attend the one on the 13th?
Inquiry submitted 09/27/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/28/2023

Response #2:No, there will not be another pre bid meeting.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #33: Please provide detail for the required handrail.
Inquiry submitted 09/28/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/28/2023

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents. The handrail is an ADA compliant handrail and requires a submittal. See the link below for an example of an ADA compliant handrail. Tip Sheet 13 Ramps and Landings.pdf
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #34: In addendum 3, 272.5 CY of Class II Aggregate Base was added to the Shoulder Reconstruct Areas on Sheet Q-7, making the total for Class II AB 652.34 CY. The quantity was not updated in the bid proposal. Please correct.
Inquiry submitted 09/28/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/28/2023

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #35: Per Addendum No. 3 Caltrans added a column on Sheet Q7 for aggregate base for the ramp shoulder reconstruct work, noting below the table is included in summary of quantities on Q-6. However, Q-6 does not include the added quantity from Q-7 and appears the State did not adjust the bid item quantity either for Item No. 41. Could the State please revise Sheet Q-6 and Item No. 41 to the correct quantity?
Inquiry submitted 09/28/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/28/2023

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #36: Regarding Bid Item 119.
The PDQ sheets only call out a few arrows and few sections of line to be MMA. Page 97 (PDF page 111) of the NTB and Special Provisions requires a BPN of 60 for the MMA. You can’t get 60 BPN with spray applied MMA. The arrows and lines currently called out as MMA would have to be the squeegee applied version of MMA. Are these few arrows and lines really supposed to be MMA?

Additionally, the PDQ sheets list the green bike markings, 10’x10’ bike boxes, and crosswalks as thermoplastic. However, the detail on PDD1 calls these items out as MMA.
Should the green bike lane markings, 10’x10’ bike boxes and continental crosswalks be added to bid item 119?

Inquiry submitted 09/28/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/28/2023

Response #2:Please bid per current contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #37: Regarding Bidders Inquiry #36. The response " per current contract documents" needs further clarification.
The contract documents contradict themselves.
Sheet PDD-1 requires MMA for the continental crosswalk markings and for green bike lane markings.
All the PDQ sheets list these items under the Thermoplastic Pavement Marking column, NOT in the MMA column.
If sheet PDD-1 is correct, the quantity for Bid Item 119 should be closer to 28,000SF.
Bid Item 119 is currently only 670 SF
Clarify which markings are to be MMA and what the true Bid Item Quantity is for item 119.

Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Response #2:See Addendum 6.
Response posted 10/23/2023

Inquiry #38: Addendum No. 4 stated " An addendum will follow advising you of the additional changes", please clarify whether or not the State will be issuing a 5th Addendum?
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Response #2:There are no plans to issue a 5th addendum.
Addendum 5 was issued on Oct 4, changing the bid date from Oct. 5, 2023 to Oct. 25, 2023.

Addendum 6 was issued on Oct. 19, 2023.
Response posted 10/02/2023

Inquiry #39: For Crack Treatment, Addendum 3 shows a qty of 3 Lane Miles spread out across the project in the summary of quantities page 289 (Q-1). Where are the 3 lane miles that are slated for crack treatment? The length of road in the areas shown on the summary of qty's is 17.80 Lane Miles. We need to know when we need the crack seal subcontractor onsite.
Inquiry submitted 10/05/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/05/2023

Response #2:Crack Treatment task is required to seal cracks wider than 1/4" prior to overlays. Quantity and location can only be verified after cold planning the existing pavement to the depth of overlay. Contractor will be able to verify the actual Crack Treatment quantity and location during construction.
Response posted 10/23/2023

Inquiry #40: Is the Crack Treatment to be done in the same shift as the Cold Plane and RHMA placement?
Inquiry submitted 10/23/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 10/23/2023

Response #2:Crack Treatment will be performed after cold planning to seal cracks wider than 1/4" prior to overlays.
Response posted 10/24/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.