Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-1K7504

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Inquiry #1: FYI. Caltrans to All Bidders - How do I register for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting?
Inquiry submitted 08/07/2023

Response #1:Please do not use the Bidder Inquiry platform for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting registration; it is for inquiries related to bidding on the project contract. Register in advance of the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting, and no later than 1 hour before the meeting time, by sending an email with bidder information to Please include the project number & "Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting", within the subject of the email.
Response posted 08/07/2023

Response #2:Companies that attended the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting:

Response posted 08/25/2023

Response #3:For the contact list, click on the link below:

LINK (pdf) –

Response posted 08/25/2023

Inquiry #2: Regarding bid item #67, Stain Galvanized Surfaces (LS). The project special provisions in section 78-4.07A(1) indicates 7 locations where the staining will occur. On project plan sheet 67, DQ-5 the table shows 20 different locations where staining will occur. Which table is correct?
Inquiry submitted 08/24/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/24/2023

Response #2:Plans sheet DQ-5 is correct. Please bid per plan sheet DQ-5.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Inquiry #3: Section 8-1.04C Delayed Start shows the contractor is required to proved submittals for 1) Contractor Supplied Biologist
2) Biological resource information program
But in section 14 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP it indicates the biologist will be a Department Biologist - supplied by Caltrans, performing training, survey and monitoring.
Please confirm Caltrans will be responsible for the project biologist.

Inquiry submitted 08/24/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/24/2023

Response #2:It will be Caltrans supplied.
Response posted 08/24/2023

Inquiry #4: Per project special provision Division 1 General Provisions “Bid Items and Applicable Sections” Chart notes that Concrete Backfill (Pipe Trench) (RSC) reference is section 62 of the standards. This section is for Stormwater Treatment and does not provide any information with regards to the RSC backfill materials, is section 61 Division VII Drainage Facilities more applicable to the concrete backfill for pipe trenches on this project, please confirm
Inquiry submitted 08/31/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/31/2023

Response #2:Yes, please refer to Section 61 of the Standard Specification for Concrete Backfill.
Response posted 09/08/2023

Inquiry #5: Please confirm that the concrete backfill materials should extend beyond into the roadway shoulders and up to the end of the new culvert trench.
Inquiry submitted 08/31/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/31/2023

Response #2:Trench paving detail is for culvert portion under the pavement.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #6: Please provide detail of trench backfill for areas outside the roadway pavement sections, with regards to the cover materials and depth plus limits of pipe zone backfill with RSC.
Inquiry submitted 08/31/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 08/31/2023

Response #2:For areas outside of pavement section, please refer to standard plan A62D, A62F.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #7: Per section 78-4.07B-Materials is appears Caltrans has already agreed to a set price of $20,225 with Natina Steel and Natina Products, LLC to supply and stain 7 various pieces of CSP pipe. Is this quote still valid, it shows the price is only good until 4/18/2023.

The prices includes sales tax and delivery of the stained material to the job site. Will Natina be purchasing the CSP pipe also, staining at there location and shipping to the job site? Or does the contractor purchase the CSP materials and ship to Natina in Arizona?

Inquiry submitted 09/07/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/07/2023

Response #2:Please confirm current price with Natina Steel and Natina Products, LLC. Contractor shall purchase CSP materials separately and ship to Natina.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Inquiry #8: Can you please provide us with As-Built Drawing for the existing culverts
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:You can download the asbuilts below:

Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #9: Can you please confirm if any of the existing storm drain culverts under removal for Contract #04-1K7504 were backfilled with concrete or control density/cement slurry materials?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:Slurry / Concrete backfill is not anticipated for the existing storm drain culverts.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #10: Please provide us with Soil Investigation Report for Contract #04-1K7504 from PM 41.22 to PM 54.65 on Route 1.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:You can download a copy of the Soil Investigation Report below:

Response posted 09/11/2023

Inquiry #11: What is the anticipated start date
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:Please be aware the start date depends on many factors such as the award and approval processes, and if there are bid protests or an addendum to delay. It is common for the award and approval processes to each take four weeks or more. After contract approval, kindly see special provisions section 8-1.04C, Delayed Start, "Start job site activities within 55 days after receiving notice that the Contract has been approved by the Attorney General or the attorney appointed and authorized to represent the Department."
Response posted 09/13/2023

Inquiry #12: Are work windows and completion dated required in the various permits in the Information Handout part of the contract?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:All permits in the Informational Handout are part of the contract.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #13: Are you guys extending the bid date? I see several questions and no answers
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/11/2023

Response #2:Addendum 1 changed the bid date to Oct. 5, 2023.
Response posted 09/14/2023

Inquiry #14: Is there the spec for “0027. Plant Establishment Work” correct? There is no plan for woody vegetation or supplemental in this contract. The plan doesn’t support the definition of a Type 1 or Type 2 planting.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Response #2:Plant Establishment is not just for wood vegetation but also for hydroseed areas. See spec 20-4.01A "plant establishment consists of caring for the plants and hydroseed areas.."
Response posted 09/19/2023

Inquiry #15: The calculation for linear feet on Bid item “0032 Fiber Rolls” does not match the plan detail. How should one bid for this discrepancy?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #16: The calculation for cubic yards on Bid item “0034 Compost” does not match the plan detail. How should one bid for this discrepancy?
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #17: The spec “0035 Permanent Erosion Control Work” is ambigious. Can you provide a minimal number of visits or range expected regardless of the conditions which may prompt monitoring? The bid item precedes a SWPPP or other relevant plan.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Response #2:250 working days.
Response posted 09/19/2023

Inquiry #18: The project plan sheet DQ-5 provides a Stain Galvanized Surfaces Chart for all of the pipe culvert location with staining requirements for the CSP. The special provision page 65 per Section 78-4.07A(1) Summary provide a list/chart that does not correlate to the sheet DQ-5 Chart.
a. Are we to assume that $20,225 quote provided by Natina Steel for staining galvanized surfaces per the special provision chart? These two charts are not the same, please clarify which item is correct and if we need to get revised pricing from Natina Steel for the correct chart.

Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Response #2:Natina quote is per the Table shown on DQ-5. Please BID per the Table shown on DQ-5. Confirm current price with Natina Steel and Natina Products, LLC.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #19: Are you guys extending the bid date? I see several questions and no answers
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023

Response #1:Same question as Bidder Inquiry #13 above.
Response posted 09/12/2023

Inquiry #20: Please provide locations and durations for each of the 7 PCMS required on Bid Item #7.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Response #2:Exact location and duration of PCMS to be determined in coordination with Engineer.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Inquiry #21: Please confirm if you plan on postponing the current (9/14/23) bid date for this project. If there is an addendum forthcoming later today please let us know so we can plan accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Response #2:Yes, Bid Open shall be extended. Refer to addendum No. 1, and Bidder Inquiry No. 22.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Inquiry #22: FYI. Caltrans to All Bidders - Please refer to Addendum No. 1.
"Bids for this work will be opened on October 5, 2023, instead of the original date of Thursday, September 14, 2023."

Inquiry submitted 09/13/2023

Response #1:.
Response posted 09/13/2023

Inquiry #23: Is the Small Business Enterprise contract goal 5% on this project?
Inquiry submitted 09/22/2023

Response #1:Yes. Please refer to addendum No. 2. Refer to all Special Provisions sections of the current contract as amended by Addendum No. 2. and summarized on the title page of Addendum No. 2, and listed here as follows:

“ ’• See sections 2-1.18 and 5-1.13F for Small Business Enterprises requirements’
In the Notice to Bidders, the following paragraph is added after the 8th paragraph as follows:
"The SBE Contract goal is 5 percent."
In the Special Provisions, Section 2-1.06B Supplemental Project Information is replaced as attached.
In the Special Provisions, Section 2-1.18 is added as attached.
In the Special Provisions, Section 5-1.13F is added as attached.
The Information Handout is replaced as attached.”

Response posted 09/22/2023

Inquiry #24: Is Caltrans going to allow for recess plates on this project.
Inquiry submitted 09/25/2023

Response #1:The inquiry has been received and submitted for consideration.
Response posted 09/25/2023

Response #2:Yes, flush with road level with additional anchor bolts.
Response posted 09/26/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.