Bidder Inquiries

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Viewing inquiries for 04-4J8504

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Inquiry #1: FYI-Caltrans to-All Bidders- How do I register for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting?
Inquiry submitted 01/23/2023

Response #1:Please do not use the Bidder Inquiry platform for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting registration; it is for inquiries related to bidding on the project contract. Register in advance of the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting, and no later than 1 hour before the meeting time, by sending an email with bidder information to "" Please include the project number & "Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting", within the subject of the email.
Response posted 01/23/2023

Inquiry #2: Page 60 of Special Provisions states the project's risk level is 3. Page 94 of the Information Handout determined the risk level is 2. Please confirm the SWPPP Risk Level.
Inquiry submitted 01/24/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 01/24/2023

Response #2:Risk level is 3.
Response posted 01/25/2023

Inquiry #3: Attention all Bidders. Please be reminded about the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting tomorrow (Thursday 2/16/2023 at 10:00 am Pacific Time.)

Inquiry submitted 02/15/2023

Response #1:Please refer to Bidder Inquiry #1/Response for instructions. "...Register in advance of the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting, and no later than 1 hour before the meeting time, by sending an email with bidder information to '' Please include the project number & "Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting", within the subject of the email..."
Response posted 02/15/2023

Inquiry #4: Attention all Bidders. Please be reminded about the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting tomorrow (Thursday 2/16/2023 at 10:00 am Pacific Time.)

Inquiry submitted 02/15/2023

Response #1:duplicate information please ignore.
Response posted 02/15/2023

Response #2:See response above (same as Inquiry #3).
Response posted 03/07/2023

Inquiry #5: Which contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting?
Inquiry submitted 02/17/2023

Response #1:The following Prime and Sub Contractors attended the Mandatory Virtual Prebid Meeting 04-4J8504:

Response posted 02/17/2023

Inquiry #6: Shts 91, 96, 100, and 106 on the "Type P/F Column" loosely call out a line indicating the "limits of polyethylene, see Contract Plans". I can't find anywhere that this limit is detailed/dimensioned, please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 02/22/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/23/2023

Response #2:Refer to Plan sheets 89, 94, 95, 99, and 103 of 104 for limit dimensions of polyethylene.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Inquiry #7: Shts 91, 96, 100, and 106 on the "Type P/F Column" call out 1/2" thick polyethylene to be placed around the column prior to steel casing. Please confirm that Contractor can "wrap" layers of polyethylene sheeting (visqueen) around column to achieve 1/2" thickness.

Inquiry submitted 02/23/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/23/2023

Response #2:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/23/2023

Response #3:Refer to Plan sheets 91, 96, 100, and 104 of 104. Refer to Section 60-4.06B, "Materials," and Section 60-4.06C, "Construction," of the Standard Specifications. Please bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 03/02/2023

Inquiry #8: What is the warranty period after substantial completion of the project?
Inquiry submitted 02/23/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2023

Response #2:See the Special Provisions and the Standard Specs.
Response posted 03/09/2023

Inquiry #9: Are there any insurance requirements for this project aside from the standard specifications for construction projects?
Inquiry submitted 02/23/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2023

Response #2:See the Plans and Specs for this project.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Inquiry #10: Are there any retentions held for the completion of the construction project?
Inquiry submitted 02/23/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 02/24/2023

Response #2:See Special Provisions and the Standard Specs.
Response posted 03/09/2023

Inquiry #11: Please confirm the department provided biologist will be present during Creek Diversion installation.

Please confirm a contractor supplied biologist will not be required.

Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Caltrans will supply the biologist necessary during creek diversion installation. No contractor supplied biologists are required for any project work.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Inquiry #12: Will Caltrans consider adding a bid item for Fish Protection?
Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:No.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Inquiry #13: Informational Handout calls out Fish Relocation Plan - please clarify what item this is paid under.
Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Bid as per contract documents.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Loc.#2, I-280 at Sand Hill Road would appear to be previously upgraded with two (2) GUARDGUARD M10 Crash Cushions.
Does the Engineer want these Crash Cushions removed and replaced?

Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Bid per plans and specs. Contractor can discuss the replacement with the Engineer after the project is awarded.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Inquiry #15: ITEMS #97, MIDWEST GUARDRAIL, #104, Crash Cushion & #109, REMOVE GUARDRAIL:
Loc.#2, I-280 at Sand Hill Road would appear to be previously upgraded with 31" MGS. It does not seem necessary to remove & replace the new Crash Cushions, Double MGS, and some of the MGS.
Does the Engineer want all of the indicated Crash Cushions, MGS removed & replaced?

Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Bid per plans and specs. Contractor can discuss the replacement with the Engineer after the project is awarded.
Response posted 03/08/2023

At Loc.#2, I-280 at Sand Hill Road, Plan L-2, 3 of 104 indicates Removal of Concrete Barrier on HC2 Line, Southbound. The existing Concrete Barrier is on HC1 Line, Northbound.
Will this be corrected?

Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Bid per plans and specs. No additional information will be provided regarding this item.
Response posted 03/08/2023

The quantities given for this Item at Loc.#2, I-280 at Sand Hill Road are extremely low if using Standard A77N5 -A77N11.
Please provide detailed dimensioning for the VCMC at this Location.

Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Existing vegetation control seems to be in good condition. The provided quantity is only for the possibly disturbed amount during MGS work. Bid per plans and specs.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Inquiry #18: Informational Handout notes "Caltrans Bridge Seismic Restoration Project Onsite Habitat Restoration & Revegetation Plan" dated February 2022.

Please confirm this is incorporated within the contract drawings.

Inquiry submitted 03/02/2023

Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed.
Response posted 03/07/2023

Response #2:Bid as per contract documents.
Response posted 03/08/2023

Inquiry #19: Regarding Structural Excavation .... Contractor has not been provided enough information from Contract Drawings or Supplemental Info to calculate the depth of excavation. From the as-builts we can determine the elevation of the footings but we have not been provided any roadway elevations to help us determine OG. We need this info to determine structural ex quantity .... and the need for potential shoring.

Inquiry submitted 03/03/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/03/2023

Response #2:Refer to Plan sheets 88, 93, 98, and 102 of 104 for the existing cover dimensions.

Also, regarding the standard concrete barriers, information is available in the Std Plans, Revised Std Plans and the contract documents that can help calculate excavations.

Please bid per the current contract bid documents.
Response posted 03/14/2023

Inquiry #20: How does CalTrans foresee the in-creek work periods unfolding? Per CalTrans specs, Contractor is required to verify the column dimensions. Generally speaking this involves potholing the footings and recording their elevations. For Bent 2 columns at Alpine Rd, that involves "in creek" work and a Temp Creek Diversion (TCDS) just in the 1st upcoming dry season 2023 ... and then coming back in dry season 2024 to actually install the casings (recognizing that column casings can't be fabricated/coated and delivered within the 2023 dry season). This involves a 2nd TCDS and postponing the creek channel work until 2024 dry season. With 300 working days this seems to be a tight schedule.
Inquiry submitted 03/03/2023

Response #1:Submitted for consideration.
Response posted 03/03/2023

Response #2:Bid as per plans and specs.
Response posted 03/09/2023

Inquiry #21: I'm trying to understand the in-channel streambed restoration aggregate requirements. The specs appear to boiler plated and therefore have no real bearing on the constraints and realities of this project. Under SP 72-13.02 (Streambed Mat'l) & SP 72-14.02 (Structural Rock) it is stated "ESM Type 1 must consist of existing streambed material, that is excavated within the grading limits with diameters between 2 and 22 inches mixed with rock of the gradations shown. Imported rock must comply with section 72-2 and be angular." Similar requirements for ESM-2 and all Structural Rocks. The gradation specs for these materials are VERY SPECIFIC. It's not realistic to assume 1) that the Contractor is going to setup an aggregate processing yard onsite and make the required gradations 2) that the existing native material has this amount of rock within it. I'll standby and wait for you to tell me to bid per plans and specs.
Inquiry submitted 03/09/2023

Response #1:Your question has been submitted for review.
Response posted 03/09/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.