Bidder Inquiries
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Viewing inquiries for 07-322904
Submit new inquiry for this projectInquiry #1: Per Title 49, part 26.45
"(b) Your overall goal must be based on demonstrable evidence of the availability of ready, willing and able DBEs relative to all businesses ready, willing and able to participate on your DOT-assisted contracts (hereafter, the “relative availability of DBEs”). The goal must reflect your determination of the level of DBE participation you would expect absent the effects of discrimination. You cannot simply rely on either the 10 percent national goal, your previous overall goal or past DBE participation rates in your program without reference to the relative availability of DBEs in your market."
Please provide a breakdown of DBE goals for this project. Due to the size, scope and area, the percentage seems to be high. Also, will Caltrans consider lowering the percentage?
Inquiry submitted 08/29/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/05/2023
Response #2:
The DBE Goal for contract 07-322904 was calculated based on the specific bid items for the project. Adjustments are made to the goal depending on the location and DBE availability in the District where the work occurs. The 22% DBE goal is based on the subcontractable items of this project. Additionally, the DBE Goal is average for the region based on the availability of DBE firms.
Please see the list of bid items for additional details/breakdown.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #2: Hello, I represent a petroleum product distributor based in Long Beach. We supply gasoline, diesel, propane, oils/lubes, and fleet cards. We are also WBE and SBE and would love to help supply fuel on this project.
Inquiry submitted 08/31/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/05/2023
Response #2:Thank you for the willingness to participate in this project. You can contact other bidders and assist them. We can not help in the contacting process.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #3: The DBE requirement is unusually high for the scope of work in this contract and area. Please provide a breakdown of how Caltrans determined the goal for this project and if Caltrans will adjust the goal for this project.
Per Title 49 CFR Part 26.45(b)
"§ 26.45 How do recipients set overall goals?
(b) Your overall goal must be based on demonstrable evidence of the availability of ready, willing and able DBEs relative to all businesses ready, willing and able to participate on your DOT-assisted contracts(hereafter, the “relative availability of DBEs”). The goal must reflect your determination of the level of DBE participation you would expect absent the effects of discrimination. You cannot simply rely on either the 10 percent national goal, your previous overall goal or past DBE participation rates in your program without reference to the relative availability of DBEs in your market."
Inquiry submitted 09/01/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/05/2023
Response #2:
The DBE Goal for contract 07-322904 was calculated based on the specific bid items for the project. Adjustments are made to the goal depending on the location and DBE availability in the District where the work occurs. The 22% DBE goal is based on the subcontractable items of this project. Additionally, the DBE Goal is average for the region based on the availability of DBE firms.
Please see the list of bid items for additional details/breakdown.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #4: Item #27 CLASS 3 AGGREGATE BASE
Sheets Q1-Q6 shows a total of 2,451.74cy of CL3 AB for curb, driveway and sidewalk.
Sheet Q7, it shows a total of 1,077cy of CL3 AB for the bus pads (grand total of 2529cy).
On sheet C-203 there is a section of Type 3 (for bus pad)
No where does it show a section for CL3 under the curb and gutter and where it goes (all sections only show 4" or " of concrete)
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.1 issued on 9/28/2023.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #5: Item #28 Lean Concrete Base
Sheets Q1-Q6 shows a total of 907.91cy of LCB for curb, driveway and sidewalk.
No where does it show a section for LCB for curb, driveway and sidewalk.
Inquiry submitted 09/11/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.1 issued on 9/28/2023.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #6: Section 12-4.02C(12)(d)
"...portable radar speed feedback sign is paid for as portable radar speed feedback sign systems.".
There is no item for portable radar speed feedback sign systems. How is this to be paid?
Inquiry submitted 09/12/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/13/2023
Response #2:Portable radar speed feedback sign is paid for a part of TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM.
Response posted 09/15/2023
Inquiry #7: Can you provide a detail showing the Class 3 Base and the LCB on the curb ramps.
Inquiry submitted 09/15/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.1 issued on 9/28/2023.
Response posted 10/02/2023
There is major clearing that needs to be done in the areas of veg control, yet there is no clear and grub item. How is this to be paid?
Inquiry submitted 09/15/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/18/2023
Response #2:Per Spec 83-2.01B(1)(a), “Constructing minor concrete vegetation includes clearing and excavation”.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #9: it appears to be a discrepancy on the Summary of quantities Q-12, can you please confirm the quantities for Hot Mix Asphalt Type A and quantities for Rubberized Hot Asphalt.
Inquiry submitted 09/20/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/20/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #10: can you please confirm quantities for the Bus Pads, based on take-off and detail C-203 sheet 287 of 469 it appears to be a discrepancy on the Unclassified Excavation, LCB Rapid Setting JPCP Rapid Setting & Class 3 Base
Inquiry submitted 09/20/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/20/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #11: Section 12-4.02C (7)(B) states that the maximum length of single stationary one-way reversing traffic control lane closure is 1/2 mile between flaggers.
can you consider extending the requirement for the one-way reversing traffic control to 1 mile between flaggers
Inquiry submitted 09/21/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/21/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Inquiry #12: Per spec 78-4.07 Staining Galvanized Surfaces, the table includes pricing for the guardrail, transition railing, and alt in-line terminal system to be stained.
The bid items and plans only call for 11,500LF of the guardrail to be stained.
Can you clarify what items will require the staining?
Inquiry submitted 09/25/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/25/2023
Response #2:The staining is for 11,500 LF of MGS w/ posts, in-line terminal systems w/posts, and WB-31 Transition Railing.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Inquiry #13: Per Item #51 - Stain Galvanized Surfaces shows 11,500 LF which only covers the new Midwest Guardrail System (Item #56) however Section 78-4.07 - Staining Galvanized Surfaces shows staining to include Item #59 - Transition Railing (Type WB-31) and Item #60 - Alternative In-Line Terminal System. Please check and revise accordingly. Thanks
Inquiry submitted 09/25/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/25/2023
Response #2:Section 78-4.07 is correct. Staining includes the MGS with posts, in-line terminal system with posts, and WB-31 transition railing.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Inquiry #14: Can you confirm square yard quantities for item#39, per lay out sheets L-1 to L-73 the Cold Plane Asphalt quantities are significantly lower than the Roadway Quantities stated per sheet 394 of 469 Summary of Quantities Q-12
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:The quantity for Item #39 is similar to the quantity on sheet Q-12. Bid on quantity on Item #39.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #15: Following up on the response for Inquiry #12 & 13, Item #51 - Staining Galvanized Surfaces - 11,500 LF only covers for the new Midwest Guardrail System. It needs additional 4,275 LF to stain 11 EA of Transition Railing (Type WB-31) and 80 EA of Alternative In-Line Terminal System. Please check.
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 09/26/2023
Response #2:The payment for staining the MGS (Item #51) includes the staining for items #59 Alternative In-Line Terminal System and #60 Transition Railing (Type WB-31)
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #16: Can you please provide details for Item #42 - Concrete Anchor and Cable Assembly.
Inquiry submitted 09/26/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:See plan C-207 sheet number 291 for concrete anchor block details.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #17: Plan sheet PDQ-1 shows details for Detail 22 and Detail 29 Modified. These details have pavement markers type D surface mounted directly on top of the thermoplastic stripe, as it also shows a recessed pavement marker type D adjacent to the stripe. Why would there be recessed pavement markers next to the stripe, when there are to surface mounted markers on top of the stripe? It would make sense to have all the markers be surface mounted. Recessed markers are typically utilized in snow country. Furthermore, there is no method of payment for recessed pavement marker.
Inquiry submitted 09/28/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #3:Please refer to addendum No.3 issued on 10/06/2023
Response posted 10/10/2023
Inquiry #18: Item 54 Pavement Marker(Retroreflective) is for a surface installed raised pavement marker yet PDQ-1 calls out for Recessed Pavement Markers. There should be a separate bid item for recessed pavement markers.
Inquiry submitted 09/29/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #3:Please refer to addendum No.3 issued on 10/06/2023
Response posted 10/10/2023
Inquiry #19: There are still numerous bidders questions unanswered. The project bids Wednesday this week. Please answer the questions or extend the bid date.
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:All questions have been answered. See project Addendums.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Inquiry #20: Please confirm quantity of HMA for AC Dike show on Q-11, quantity appears to be greatly understated?
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/10/2023
Inquiry #21: How is the Contractor getting paid for adjusting utilities to grade on this project. There are a significant quantity of utilities that will need to be addressed on this project and Bid Item 43: ADJUST FRAME AND COVER TO GRADE - 2 EA; is completely understated.
Please review this item and adjust Bid Item 43 accordingly.
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #22: DETAIL No.3 for New Pavement Structure for the Bus Pads on C-203 (287/469) has the Contractor installing Non-Rapid Setting Concrete and Non-Rapid Setting Lean Concrete Base. Please revise this detail so there is no miss understanding between bidders.
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/03/2023
Inquiry #23: In response to Inquiry#28. Bid Item #28 Lean Concrete Base; Addendum 1: only shows 1 of the 200 curb ramps. We will need direction from the State to on the remaining 199 locations.
Inquiry submitted 10/02/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/02/2023
Response #2:Please refer to addendum No.3 issued on 10/06/2023
Response posted 10/06/2023
Inquiry #24: After reviewing the responses to inquiries # 9 and #14, based on the extreme discrepancies of the bid document quantities and the quantities reflected by the layout sheets, it is not feasible to develop accurate bid costs. Major discrepancies on Q-12 are as follows: Cold Plane & RHMA quantities shown for L-15 thru L-28 appear to be doubled scaled dimensions, quantities shown for HMA appear to be calculated for 0.20' thickness, not the 0.10' called out and quantities for RHMA do not appear to reflect the 0.15' thickness called out. Please review and confirm.
Inquiry submitted 10/03/2023
Response #1:Your inquiry has been received and is being reviewed. Thank You for your patience.
Response posted 10/05/2023
Response #2:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/10/2023
Inquiry #25: Per inquiry #24 the quantity variance for the subject items are arbitrarily inflating the contract amount which in turn is impacting the DBE commitment amount. Please advise if the quantities will be corrected so that our DBE commitment is accurately represented at bid time. Not correcting the quantity variance is erroneously increasing the DBE commitment on an already ambitious DBE goal.
Inquiry submitted 10/09/2023
Response #1:Please bid per contract documents.
Response posted 10/10/2023
The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.