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Viewing inquiries for 10-1P5404

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Inquiry #1: This inquiry is in regards to Bid Item #15 Modified Asphalt Binder (Seal Coat). What type of Binder is Caltrans wanting for this project? Caltrans Standard Specification 2022 Section 37-2.06 Modified Asphalt Binder Chip Seals does not have any specifications and is listed as "Reserved". Is Caltrans wanting Asphalt Rubber Binder per Standard Specification Section 37-2.04?
Inquiry submitted 01/30/2023

Response #1:“Attention is directed to Addendum No.01 dated February 03,2023”
Response posted 02/06/2023

Inquiry #2: This inquiry is in regards to Addendum #1, PG 64-28 M is a binder for Hot Mix and has never been used by Caltrans for Chip Seal. Is this a Pilot Project for Caltrans to try and use this binder for Chip Seal?
Inquiry submitted 02/06/2023

Response #1:- This is not a pilot project.
- This project includes a proposal for hot applied “Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder (PMAB) Chip Seals” on three ramps on Downing Avenue/Route 99 Interchange.
- The 2022 Section 37-2.06 Modified Asphalt Binder Chip Seals is a reserved section in the 2022 Specifications (page 479).
- We have included in the project contract document SSP 37-2.06 which mentions the type of binder to use for Modified Asphalt Binder Chip Seals (i.e. PG 64-28 M) for the Inland Valley Climate Region (to be covered by Addendum)
- Also, see Table 632.1 Asphalt Binder Performance Grade Selection in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Chapter 630 for additional information.
- Although PG 64-28M is used for HMA Type A mixes, for this project it is being used for hot applied Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder (PMAB) Chip Seal.

Response posted 02/07/2023

Inquiry #3: This is in regards to Item 15. Modified Asphalt Binder.. If this is not a pilot project where has this "binder" been applied or specified in the State? In my experience I have never seen this used or specified for a Chipseal binder. PG 64-28 is commonly used a Paving Grade Asphalt used in dense grade AC in cooler climates not for chipseal applications.

Inquiry submitted 02/15/2023

Response #1:We are using PG 64-28M per HDM Table 632.1 because it is expected to give best performance and retention of the coated aggregates. The polymer modification is expected to reduce thermal and oxidative ageing effects. All these is highly dependent on proper temperature and installation procedures.

This is not an Asphalt Rubber Binder Chip Seal Project which is what is typical but not applicable for this project or a pilot project as stated in Bid Inquiry #002.

- This project includes a proposal for hot applied “Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder (PMAB) Chip Seals” on three ramps on Downing Avenue/Route 99 Interchange.

- The 2022 Section 37-2.06 Modified Asphalt Binder Chip Seals is a reserved section in the 2022 Specifications (page 479).

- We have included in the project contract document SSP 37-2.06 which mentions the type of binder to use for Modified Asphalt Binder Chip Seals (i.e. PG 64-28 M) for the Inland Valley Climate Region.

- Also, see Table 632.1 Asphalt Binder Performance Grade Selection in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Chapter 630 for additional information.

- Although PG 64-28M is used for HMA Type A mixes, for this project it is being used for hot applied Polymer Modified Asphalt Binder (PMAB) Chip Seal.

Response posted 02/21/2023

The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.