Bidder Inquiries
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Viewing inquiries for 12-0P69U4
Submit new inquiry for this projectInquiry #1: Please identify thickness of existing concrete improvements. For example, sheet C-1, (construction details Curb Ramp No. 1-1) calls out Beg Remove Concrete at 46.28' R+"A" 61+87.90, however, Section A-A only depicts improvement thickness. Please clarify existing thickness of concrete for all existing concrete and clarify the type of existing curb and gutter.
Inquiry submitted 10/21/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 10/24/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 10/25/2022
Inquiry #2: Refence Sheets L-2 and C-12. Reference hatching patterns adjacent to curb ramp 2-8 on sheet L-2 and C-12. Layout sheet does not match construction details in regards to callout box 3 (0.5' Class III AS over 0.5' HMA) (Hatched Pattern on C-12). Do layout sheets hold precedence over construction details? Please clarify which sheet depicts correct area callout box 3 (hatching pattern) because the construction detail sheet depicts hatching pattern running above and below the cross gutter while the layout sheet does not. Please clarify.
Inquiry submitted 10/21/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 10/24/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 10/25/2022
Inquiry #3: The detailed driveway plans show TCE limits for adjacent properties with some callouts for Detail 11 replace in kind improvements. Where does this work get paid? as it may involve decorative elements such as stamped concrete or pavers which vary in cost.
Inquiry submitted 10/25/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 10/25/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 10/25/2022
Inquiry #4: The Coastal Commission Permit in the supplemental info states on SR-1 Monday thru Friday lane closures Northbound can be used 9AM to 3 PM and Southbound 8AM to 2 PM.
The charts in the special provisions show Southbound closure allowed 8AM to 3PM Please clarify the requirement.
Inquiry submitted 10/27/2022
Response #1:Please bid the contract documents
Response posted 11/02/2022
Inquiry #5: Is there Caltrans right of way available for a laydown yard and office trailer?
Inquiry submitted 10/27/2022
Response #1:Please refer to Special Provision Section 5-1.32
Response posted 11/02/2022
Inquiry #6: Will the department furnish handrailing item 104 or just pedestrian rails item 103?
Inquiry submitted 10/27/2022
Response #1:Please refer to the contract plans. Bid per current bid documents
Response posted 11/02/2022
Inquiry #7: The existing pavement shown as Section A on sheet x-10 shows .3’ AC on .75’ PCC for Median and other removal areas to be removed does this underlying concrete get paid as Conc removals or remove AC pavement removals?
Inquiry submitted 10/27/2022
Response #1:PCC removal is paid with the bid item REMOVE CONCRETE (CY). Bid per current bid documents
Response posted 11/02/2022
Inquiry #8: How is contractor paid for the Barricade items 9 and 10? Based on the quantity it appears they are paid are these paid each time them are placed and re-positioned please confirm.
Inquiry submitted 10/27/2022
Response #1:Please bid per current bid documents
Response posted 11/02/2022
Inquiry #9: Who is responsible for relocating mailboxes? The cost will vary on these and there is no bid item for them.
Inquiry submitted 11/03/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/03/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/10/2022
Inquiry #10: Reference Layout Sheet L-1 and Construction Detail sheet C-1. Please specify what type of existing curb does Curb Ramp 1-1 join?
Inquiry submitted 11/04/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/07/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/08/2022
Inquiry #11: Please provide a revised version of sheet L-2 that contains the bold lines depicting the minor concrete improvements. Currently there are only lines depicting existing concrete.
Inquiry submitted 11/04/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/07/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/08/2022
Inquiry #12: Are the smoothness specs applicable to this AC overlay? There are no Items for inertial profiling or corrective grinding on this project.
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Inquiry #13: Reference Sheet L-3 Curb Ramp 3-7, Sheet L-4 Curb Ramps 4-3/4-4 and 4-2, Sheet L-6 Curb Ramps 6-2, 6-4/6-5, 6-1, 6-3, 6-6, Sheet L-7 Curb Ramps 7-2, 7-4, 7-1, and 7-3. All these curb ramps do not depict the required 0.50’ HMA-A over 0.50’ CL III AS on the layout sheets. Please verify whether the agency wants the contractor to construct section 3 for the curb ramps listed above.
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Response #2:For details refer to construction details, not layout sheet. X-1 Pavement structure #3 (0.5' HMA+0.5' CL III) is proposed to fill sawcut areas
Response posted 11/15/2022
Inquiry #14: Please verify that dimensions on Construction Detail sheet C-79 are correct.
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Response #2:Please follow the Stations/Offsets, bid as you see it.
Response posted 11/16/2022
Inquiry #15: Please provide existing section for Island 7-1 and 10-1.
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/15/2022
Inquiry #16: Please clarify existing thickness of cross gutters.
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/15/2022
Inquiry #17: In which bid item is the removal of Class D CTB paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it. The item is "Concrete removal "
Response posted 11/15/2022
Inquiry #18: Please confirm that the quantities of 16.67 and 11.11 CY of Roadway Excavation for curb ramps 3-8/3-9 are correct. Contractor is getting significantly different quantities. Reference Sheets C-19 & C-20.
Inquiry submitted 11/14/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/14/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/15/2022
Inquiry #19: The traffic handling plans TH-11 to TH-16 depict a shifted centerline required during construction hours and after construction which may require striping removals and temporary striping. There is no layout for this interim configuration. In addition, where is the contractor to be paid for this work?
Inquiry submitted 11/21/2022
Response #1:pending
Response posted 11/21/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #20: In reference to sheet X-9, X-11, and X-12 the excavation required for the median requires a 1.05 ft deep excavation less than 2ft from the traveled way. It appears K rail may be required. This is not shown in the traffic handling plans and may require temporary striping to reconfigure the lane lines. Please provide a Layout for this work if required.
Inquiry submitted 11/21/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/21/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #21: Please confirm that handrail items 103 and 104 are agency furnished. Plans only mention that item 103 is furnished by agency. Clarify what agency wants contractor to do with existing bridge rail (item 106).
Inquiry submitted 11/21/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/21/2022
Response #2:Please bid per current bid documents
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #22: Sheet c-113 Please provide a connection detail for the 3 ft handrail shown on top of a 1ft Retaining curb. Also sheet c-106 and c-114 please show the connection details for the railing above the block wall. Sheet c-115 also please show a connection detail for the 48" high handrail at back of sidewalk.
Inquiry submitted 11/22/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/22/2022
Response #2:Please bid per current bid documents
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #23: Reference sheet C-69. There is a callout that states "Drainage Pipe Extend to Face of New Curb." Please clarify whether or not this is 4" or 6" PVC pipe that needs to be extended. If not either please specify in which pay item this belongs.
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #24: In the majority of the construction details there are callouts asking for utilities to be adjusted to grade. In which pay item are the utilities being adjusted to grade paid in?
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #25: Reference sheet C-78. There is a callout that states "Relocate Drainage" In which pay item is this activity paid? Also can you please provide the type of existing drainage?
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Please see Drainage sheet D-3.
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #26: Reference Sheet C-82. There are two callouts asking for an extension of drainage pipe. Please specify what type of pipe needs to be extended and in which pay item this is payed.
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #27: Reference sheet C-95. There is a callout referencing the relocation of a flashing beacon. In which pay item is this item paid? Additionally, there is a callout asking for the construction of a block wall box to support the relocation of the flashing beacon. In which item is the block wall box paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:" Relocation of the flashing beacon will be paid by the item, " Modifying Signal and Lighting System", Refer to the Plan sheet E-13.
Block Wall box will be paid by the item "Masonry Block Wall
Response posted 11/29/2022
Inquiry #28: Reference Sheet C-99. There are two callouts for the removal of various metal posts. In which pay item are these removals paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/27/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:These metal posts will be removed by others during construction. No pay item required
Response posted 11/29/2022
Inquiry #29: Reference sheet C-46 Curb Ramp 10-6. There is a callout requesting for the removal of planters. In which bid item is the removal of planters paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/28/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Please bid as you see it
Response posted 11/29/2022
Inquiry #30: Reference sheet C-108 Sidewalk 7-3. There is a callout requesting requesting for a light pole to be adjusted to grade. In which pay item does this activity belong?
Inquiry submitted 11/28/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Protect in place
Response posted 11/28/2022
Inquiry #31: Reference sheet C-26 Curb Ramp 6-2. There is a callout asking for a traffic signal to be adjusted to grade. In which bid item is this activity paid?
Inquiry submitted 11/28/2022
Response #1:Pending
Response posted 11/28/2022
Response #2:Protect in place
Response posted 11/28/2022
The information provided in the responses to bidder inquiries is not a waiver of Section 2-1.07, "JOB SITE AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION" of the Standard Specifications or any other provision of the contract, nor to excuse the contractor from full compliance with the contract. Bidders are cautioned that subsequent responses or contract addenda may change a previous response.